Technoblade (AN)

542 17 5


So I don't really have a lot to say.

I think my mind still doesn't really believe this is happening, but that's just me not knowing how to greave a person I didn't really know.

I can't imagine how hard this is for his family and friends. I hope they can take some comfort in the fact that he means so much to so many people.

He died way too young, and he deserved so much better.

I just want to say that, even though he was never going to be a major character in this story, I'm still going to include him.

Anyways, Rest in peace Technoblade. You will live on forever in the lives you changed and the people you saved. Even in death you continue to astound me and I dont think I'll ever stop looking up to you.
Thank you for all you've done, I'm sorry you can't do more.

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