9 - Hair

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btw if you ever notice that somthing sould be added to the trigger warning, or that somthing is wrong, or i forgot to put it, or anything, PLEASE COMMENT i wanna make sure there is a proper warning when ever one is needed :)

3rd POV/time skip narration thingy :)

It had been a little while since MCC. Ash had really gotten into streaming with their friends and they couldn't be happier.

It was reaching the end of the summer, but Ash tried their best not to think about that too much.

They were having so much fun doing what they loved with the people they loved, and who loved them back.

As the days passed, however, it was harder and harder to ignore what they would have to face eventually.

Their biological parents.


I woke up to a ding on my bedside table.

Checking the time I saw it was way too early for my alarm, I mean it was almost 11 am, but who in their right mind sets an alarm before noon when the only people they talk to are four hours ahead, and it's summer?

I looked at my phone and I had gotten a text from Leo.


He hasn't texted me since he left.

It's almost the end of summer, isn't it?

They're coming home.

What if they make me stop streaming?

What if they make me stop talking to my friends?

What if they kick me out?

Where will I go?


I have to trust it will be okay. Leo said he would talk to them, he's always been good at debate, he has to have gotten to them.


When I actually look at the text my heart breaks.


*Lee O's*

L- Hey Ash!

- I know I haven't texted in a while, but I've been having such a great time looking at schools! I actually found one that's perfect for me! the thing is...

- I'm not coming home, there's this program that would be really beneficial for me.

- it starts in a week, mom and dad are flying back the same day

- I'm sorry

- but they don't seem mad anymore! it'll be okay, ash, so don't worry too much. alright? I'll see you when I head home for thanksgiving. (:


He isn't coming back.

All this time while I was dreading my parents' return home, I thought it wouldn't be that bad no matter what, because Leo would be there with me.

He would be there to help me, to protect me, to support me.

Not anymore.

I was going to be alone with them.

I wasn't going to see him for so long.

Thoughts raged around my mind, no. I had to get out of my own head.

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