13 - First Time ;)

485 21 3



*Dollar Store Stinco Con Verdure*

A- *picture*

T- heh?

- child, what?

- dis u?


- chil I am confution

A- L

- but yea, that's me

- got a hair cut

T- oh

- nice

- i like your cut, g

A- lol, pog

- thx, tho :)

- also, check your messages more dude

T- lol no


Wow, Tec is quite something.

I'm glad he likes my hair thought, I was honestly the most worried about his reaction cause he's so... nonexpressive? is that a word? anyways, it's the right one. Sometimes saying nothing is worse than saying something mean, at least then you know what they're thinking.

It was almost time to post my video, I still had a couple hours but I decided to announce it on Twitter since I would be premiering it then streaming.


Arson Bird


I have a really big vid premiering in a few hours, with a 24 HOUR STREAM right after!!! Get SIKED :D


Looking at the comments under my post was so much fun. Everyone speculating and freaking out. I couldn't wait to show everyone the video. Well, my anxiety begs to differ, but I am excited.

Time Skip to Premier of Video

I started the premier of my video and sent out one last tweet about it. People started showing up to watch it and my anxiety couldn't help but grow with the numbers.

Was I really ready for this?
This could be the end of everything I had achieved, for more reasons then one.
What if I lost my friends?
What if it all went wrong?
What if I was outcast by the very community that welcomed me with open arms and had a home ready just for me?

I luckily didn't have time for my thoughts to spiral too much more as my awkward and frankly painful to watch intro to my first vlog started to play through my headphones.

Hi! If you didn't figure this out already, I'm Ash, or Arson_Bird, and I guess this is my face reveal.

But that's kinda boring, so I'm going to cut off my hair. And dye it. And hopefully not ruin my head permanently.

People seemed to be taking it well, I didn't see anything negative but I'll be honest, I was doing my best to not look at the live chat, so I wouldn't see any hate I got. Or the video, so I wouldn't be second-guessing how I edited the whole thing.

Now, here with me over discord are the amazing gremlin children..... TOMMY AND TUBBO! Woooooo, yayyyyyyy, their so awsommmmmmeee.

So yea, Tommy and Tubbo can hear me, and are mostly here to keep me entertained while I do this, but they can't see me at all, for now. So everyone watching the primer will be seeing for the first time ever, before anyone else, me with long hair! Luckily, I won't have it for long.
Haha, I didn't even mean to do that...

I started to focus my attention on getting my stream ready so I could start it right afterward, I'd never really used the webcam before so I had to make sure that was set up correctly.

I also realized for the first time that my chat would be able to see part of my room, well, not really.

My computer is facing a wall in the corner of my room, I had a weird corner in my wall where my window was a couple feet farther from the door wall then the rest of that side, but it made a nice little cosy spot.
With my window to my right, door to my left, and wall behind me, I actually felt comfortable, less paranoid, less like everything and anything I was doing was being watched.

Which is weird cause I was about to have a bunch of people looking at my face.
Which is why I over analyzed the part of my wall you would be able to see around twenty times.

I looked over at the chat a bit throughout the video, and people seemed to like it.
More importantly, they didn't seem to hate me.

At the very end of the video I had my starting soon stream screen with a message saying if you are watching the premier, I'm starting my 24 hour stream right now, and that it was pretty important.

And I did, and it was.

I had my starting soon stream up for only a couple of minutes, waiting for the numbers on my stream to get up to around those I got on my premier, before switching to the never before seen, webcam view.

"Hi, chat. It's nice to see you guys again, but I guess you're seeing me for about the first time, huh?... It seems we have a bit to talk about."


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