7 - Muffled Screams

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Ash Pov

I woke up to a call on my phone. I was feeling a lot better, still a bit groggy, but overall pretty good.

Checking my phone I saw it was about twelve-thirty and the call was from Tommy.

I had it set up so that both Tommy and Tubbo could reach me through total silence, they're my best friends, I had to be there if they needed me.

I picked up Tommy's call and gave him a questioning hello.
Omg, my morning voice just gave me such gender euphoria, yay!

"Ash?" Oh, right, Tommy.

"What up Toms? You never do phone calls."

"Did you just wake up?"


"Oh, sorry for waking you, I guess. One sec..." I heard him toss his phone on something soft, then the open and close of a door, a muffled screen, and the door opening and closing again.

"You good, bud?"

"Yea, yea, ANYWAYS now that I can fucking talk to you. Do you wanna be in Minecraft Championship?"

"I- um, yea, of course! But I wasn't invited, I just started streaming, plus it's literally in a few hours."

"It is in a few hours, so get practicing, I'll send you the links to the discord and server in case Scooty didn't get them to you."

"Wait, wh-" I was cut off by him hanging up, and rolled my eyes with a sigh. He was definitely joking, no real point in checking anything.

But then again...

I'm a nosy bitch.

I wanna know everything.

Nothing bad will happen if I check.


Welp, too late now, already pulling Discord and Minecraft up on my PC.

Going into my dms...

Holy shit.

Tommy is insane.

There, sitting in my discord, was a dm from the one and only Scott Smajor, asking me to be part of MCC, TODAY, and a server invite.

I imideitly going to the discord server, of course, and see so many incredible people in it. Some of them I've watched for months, some years, it's incredibly surreal.

Then I realized what was going on. I was about to participate in a Minecraft tournament on a team with and playing against some of my idols and greatest sources of serotonin.








3rd Pov

With that Ash started practicing like hell. They were absolutely terrified of so many things going wrong but pushed through it with good old friend denial.

When they eventually joined the call with their teammates, they were ecstatic and freaking out.

Phil, being the dad he is did his best to calm them down and reassure them with words of encouragement.

Wilbur did that as well, mixing in his own bit of poking fun at their fears and adding to them, lovingly of course.

And Techno did what he did best, make a joke out of it to distract them from their worries.

By the time the event started, Ash was feeling much better and performed extremely well, thanks to all the training they did with Tommy before. They didn't do the best in anything, though they got top ten in both ace race and parkour warrior, but overall they did well.

They ended up in the top 25 for everyone and their teammates were freaking out because of this, even if they all did better.
Ash was keeping calm on the outside because they hadn't really realized what was going on on the inside.

Eventually, the dogebolt teams were selected and teleported to the final game, and as Ash's game was loading they realized what happened.

Their team, with them and their idols, was in first place. All they had to do was win one final game, and that was that. Tommy and them could have their dream come true. They just needed to beat Dream, ironically. 

First round, Technoblade took out Dream in the beginning, and the rest of the other team followed. Ash's main job in this game was to not get hit, they haven't played much so it's better safe than sorry. 

Next round Techno and Wilbur were taken out, but Phil managed to get the three best players out on the other team. Ash was hard-core panicking but ended up landing their first shot on the last player taking the round.

The Purple Pandas lost the third round, much to Ash's disappointment. They figured the best chance their team had at winning was getting it over with quickly, but that wasn't exactly an option.

Now on to the fourth round. Techno was shot at, but he dodged and hit Dream instead. (AN: no, I don't know who else is on his team.) Phil was doing great at distracting as Wilbur was aiming, but then Phil got hit, Wilbur taking someone out in revenge, then getting hit himself cause he didn't move for like a full minute. 

Really dude? 

Techno shot but missed, leading the opposite team to have both arrows. The final two members of the team both shot at Techno, he dodged one but got hit by the other after taking out the person who already shot at him. Now it was just Ash and the final member of the other team. They could do this. According to their team that is, they weren't so sure.

Both teams had one arrow. Ash stood still, watching the bow of the other player as they refused to raise their own yet. They started moving to their right, watching closely as the arrow was almost at max power, and quickly sprinted left, dodging the arrow.

Now they had both arrows, so they took their time. they flowed their opponent's movements, traced them with the point of the arrow nocked on their bow.

They took a deep breath.

Feeling the wind blow gently past their face in the arena.

Drawing the string back to their cheek.

The string tightening underneath their fingertips.

And they let go, letting out their breath as the arrow flew forward...

AN: AHAHAHHAHAHA I DONT KNOW WHAT IM DOING. i tried to make it cool at the end there, but i probably failed. I also dont really know how to write the game play, but im doing my best, sorry :)

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