A Touch Of Scarlet

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"I run to you, through the darkness, I'll hold you close to me through this crazy race."

EXO, Forever


"Look at her, she looks so smug," Ji Yoon muttered, jerking her head in the direction of Eileen Pang, the daughter of this month's fundraiser organizer as she walked from table to table. "Bet she likes having EXO-M at her table tonight."

"You're joking, right? That was what you did last time."

"Yes, but, at least EXO looked ­happy to sit with us," she replied, steering us around the ballroom as we walked to our table, "Look at Luhan, he looks so bored."

I followed her line of sight, seeing the said member saying something to Minseok, who was listening solemnly, while the other members were in conversation with Eileen and her family members.

I turned back to Ji Yoon, trying not to let the image of Kris in his suit sidetrack me from being a supportive friend. "I'm pretty sure half the reason they were lively the last time was because your father was giving his terrible jokes."

She huffed, holding up the empty glass she had been holding since the cocktail reception. "Where's the waiter, I need more."

"You've had two glasses of red wine, one glass of white wine, and three champagne, I am pretty sure you've had enough."

"I'm not drunk."

"You're literally leaning on me for dear life. I can feel your whole body on me."

She pouted. "Okay, maybe I am a little tipsy," she said with a sheepish smile, "If I wasn't, I won't be this upset."

I smiled, gently patting her hand that was looped around my arm. "It's alright, just look at the décor, or do that fashion evaluation thing you like to do. Oh, look at Mrs Fung there, what do you think of her dress?"

"Stop distracting me. I won't look at the décor because it's still decided by Eileen – or her family – and yes, Mrs Fung looks like a turnip that's about to burst," she answered without missing a beat, "I can't think straight without looking at her every few minutes. Jang Mi, she's stealing my man and I can't do anything about it!"

We navigated through the large round tables to our own, which ironically had a good view of Eileen's – and of Luhan and his members.

Ji Yoon glanced at the only person seated at their table. "Cousin," she grumbled.

"Someone looks grumpy," came the tart reply, before he turned to her. "Jang Mi. Lovely to see you again."

"Doctor Im," I returned with a grin as I sat next to him, "Nice to see you here. At another fundraiser. Again."

"Apparently my beloved cousin's parents," he said pointedly, glancing at Ji Yoon, "Said I caused quite a stir at the previous one and they insisted on me coming again. I have been hiding here to avoid them mortifying me in front of some girl."

Ji Yoon perked up. "Who?"

"I don't know. That poor unfortunate girl from the reunion dinner. She's been walking around, trying to pass the table and make me notice how interested she is," he said, sipping from his teacup, "I can assure you and everyone in this ballroom that I am not that gullible."

"She probably doesn't know you're a psychologist."

He scoffed. "She didn't even let me finish introducing myself the last time. Simply heard I was a doctor and she got so excited."

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