An Annoying Dance Instructor, A Desperate Old Flame, and The Boy of My Dreams

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"I remember back then, we burned up the last of my teens. 

Yes, the days when we couldn't see an inch in front of us.

We laughed, we cried,

Those days with you, those moments are now in memories."

-Suga, First Love


When I pushed through the doors of the cleaners' staircase, I was surprised to find, through the clouds of smoke and ashy smell invading my senses, Seungri's boys vaping at the steps. "What the hell is going on here?" I burst out, choking in the smoke.

The cigarettes popped out of their mouths at once, and they quickly got up and bowed at me, murmuring hasty apologies. I opened the door wide behind me. The scene before me was almost comical.

I pointed to the cigarette butts. "If you're smart, you'll pick those up and dispose of them correctly," I said severely, "Or you can just stand and wait while I get the Discipline Master here."

Fear filled their faces for a moment; after all, they were only sophomores. They stamped the butts and picked them up, scurrying through the door I held open. I waved them out like a marshall waves cars in a traffic jam. I stopped the last boy, and glanced at him. "Oi."

"Y-Yes, sunbae?"

"Where's Seungri?" I asked him.

He shook his head quickly, mumbling under his breath.

I frowned. "What?"

He held up his phone, scrolling through something before showing it to me. My eyes widened.

Guess I'm not the only one on the school forum's Hot Topic of the Day.


Sara was intent on knowing all about my friendship with EXO-M, and was considerate enough not to bring Jae Woong up, even though I could see she was barely keeping her curiosity in.

I answered her questions, my voice bored and monotonous. "I told you, I knew him in elementary school...No, we weren't that close...He left school earlier than me...No, I never saw him again...Yes, I knew he became famous, I see his picture on magazines, right? No, I'm not that close to them; how could I even ask Kris to go out on a blind date with you?" I cried incredulously, "Are you insane?"

"But he's handsome," Sara pleaded beside me. She had exchanged places with Woo Hyun and, to be honest, that was a good decision seeing that he was the one who brought up the scandal and fresh rumors that made me a trending topic on the school's SNS today.

"I'm not going to use any excuse to take advantage of my acquaintance with them. So just drop it, okay?" I said, annoyed.

"Fine," she drawled, "I just want to get to meet him. We're both Canadians, so I feel a kind of connection, you know?"

Woo Hyun turned with a huge grin. "Actually, he was born in China, and he's Chinese first. So you don't really have that much of a connection with him," he said to her.

She smacked his head with a pen.


My phone buzzed. I opened the notification on my SNS. It was a picture tagging me, uploaded by Anonymous, of me and Jae Woong outside the classroom. The caption was so ridiculous I actually laughed.

'Possible reunion?'

I locked my phone.

Me and him, reunion? I thought to myself. These deluded anons must be crazy.

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