"But didn't he get rid of all the kid's mojo when he did all 'that'?" Klaus shook his body, demonstrating what Harlan had done in the barn.

"Clearly not" Inanna muttered.

"What's he doing here, now?" Klaus asked.

"Who's cares?" Diego asked. "He saved us from the Sparrows".

"Wow, he did that?" Klaus asked looking at Jayme and Alphonso with wide eyes.

Allison elbowed Diego, nodding her head over to Luther and Sloane as Sloane began waking up.

"Sloane, are you all right?" Luther asked.

Sloane groaned in pain as she sat up slowly and her gaze landed on the bodies of her dead siblings. Sloane gasped and stumbled to her feet, moving out of Luther's hold as he repeated. "It's alright".

Sloane took off towards the stairs, holding her arm which had been hurt in the attack, while Luther called her name.

"You got a live one, Luther!" Diego shouted.

Luther ran after Sloane and Diego ran after him and Harlan broke off from Viktor, running up the other set of stairs.

"Harlan, wait!" Viktor shouted.

Allison followed after Diego and Viktor chased after Harlan, leaving Inanna with Klaus.

"What did I miss?" Klaus asked.

Inanna took Diego's knife out of her pocket and followed after Allison, ignoring Klaus as he called for her to not leave him.

Inanna wasn't exactly sure where the others had gone, but she could hear Allison running through the halls in search of her brothers who had got a lead on them and so Inanna followed the sound of Allison's foot steps which eventually lead her to one of the communal bathrooms where Diego held his knife to Sloane's throat.

"If you hurt her, I will bury you" Luther shouted pointed at Diego.

"You gonna bury me too, Luther?" Allison asked as Inanna walked across the bathroom to them, almost bumping into a naked man who only had a towel around his waist.

Sloane was scared, Inanna knew that much, not only from seeing two of her siblings dead but also because she believed she had fallen right into a trap which Luther had played a part in.

"Just..." Luther's shoulders dropped as he looked between Allison and Diego, "Just let me talk to her. Okay? Please".

"Oh, trust me" Allison said, nodding her head as she looked at Sloane. "She's gonna talk" Allison said.

Diego let go of Sloane, keeping his knife in his hand as he sat on the edge of the bath next to Allison with Sloane stood in front of them with her back against a pillar.

Inanna stood opposite Luther, still holding Diego's knife which she planned on keeping until Lila returned her knife which she had taken at the farm.

"I heard a rumour-" Allison started, growing impatient at Sloane's refusal to speak to them.

"Whoa, Allison, hey" Luther tried to interrupt.

"-you're gonna tell me the truth" Allison finished her rumour.

"Let her do her thing, man" Diego said to Luther, pointing at Allison with his knife.

Sloane's eyes turned white and her body shook as she fought Allison's rumour. Allison leaned forwards, resting her arms on her knees.

"Where's the briefcase?" Allison asked.

Inanna tensed at Allison's questions. Clouded by the news that her parents were dead, Inanna had forgotten to tell Allison that the briefcases were with Five and that they supposedly didn't work.

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