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Derek was wheeling Meredith inside the hospital. She was planning to get new scans to see how the cancer was doing inside of her body and they were scared

"Mom! Dad!" Emma smiled and ran up towards Meredith and Derek

"Hey baby. Are you still working?" Meredith frowned

"Twenty-four-hour shifts.." Emma winked and yawned. "Are you here for your next round of chemo?"

"Yes a-" Derek started, but Meredith interrupted him

"Yes. I'll be fine. Go back to work," Meredith assured her daughter. Emma nodded and kissed both parents' cheeks before she ran off again

"You don't wanna tell her about the scans?" Derek frowned

"No. I don't want her to be worried, she needs to focus on more important things." Meredith insisted

"Okay.." Derek sighed and started pushing her again

As they arrived Derek lifted her and placed her down on the hard table. "I'll be waiting with Helm and Schmitt. You'll do just great." He kissed her forehead and fixed her scarf

Meredith took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she waited

"Everything will be okay, honey." She heard Derek's voice through the intercom

"If it shrinks then we'll have a party at the house.." Meredith anxiously whispers right before the machine started

Everyone in the room next door was quiet and was anxiously waiting for the results to appear on the screen

"Oh-" Derek gasped

"Any news?" Meredith's voice was heard again

"Mer.. this.. I-" Derek gasped. "I'm coming to help you get out." He said and left the room walking into the room where Meredith was sitting. "We're going home. It shrunk, we'll have a party"

"It- Really?" Meredith gasped as she couldn't believe it

"It did. Now let's call everyone. Mer, your tumor it's almost completely gone!" Derek smiled

"Shepherd. Grey. We need to talk" Bailey stopped them

"I knew something more was up" Meredith muttered in her husband's chest

"Bailey, what's wrong?" Derek asked as he followed Bailey to a quiet room, Meredith in his arms

"Meredith. Your tumor shrunk massively but.. We, your doctors and I, think you should retire. Your recovery will take months, maybe years. You don't feel well sweetie and none of us want you to overdo it." Bailey explained


Years later

Meredith and Derek were sitting down on the couch. Meredith has been cancer free for five years now but hated the way her life went. Yes she was still alive but she had to be fed through a tube, walking was still very hard, she was tired almost all the time and suffered as she saw her parents aging, feeling like she should take her responsibility to look after them but instead she was even worse than them.

"Dad?" Emma walked into the room, not sure if her mom was asleep

"Yes Em?" Derek looked up

"I'm going home" Emma walked towards her parents, suddenly hearing her mom speak up

"Thank you Emmie" Meredith said, not opening her eyes as she was too tired after their kids and grandkids stopped by for lunch, Emma was the one staying the longest to help clean everything

"No worries, mom. I love you" Emma kissed both parents' cheek and left the house

"You fooled me, I thought you were asleep" Derek tried to lighten his wife's mood a little

"I'm always asleep.." Meredith sadly sighed in his arms

"It will get better" Derek kissed her forehead

"It won't, Derek. It's been like this for years and it will only get worse. But at least I still have y'all" She hugged him weakly

"You'll have us for many more years. I'm glad we fought for you, I wouldn't have changed a thing, even if I could. I would only want it to be easier for you" Derek held his wife close, really missing how they were before Meredith's cancers. They had barely gone on holidays as it was just too rough on her

"I love you" Meredith whispered

"I love you too, now close your eyes. I wanna take a little nap as well before the nurse will be here" He said

- The End - 

I'm sorry for the not that good ending. I tried but It's not as I had in my head

I'm also sorry for disappearing for so long, sadly I can't promise that I'm back. I'm in a very negative mindset, in a relapse and bla bla, I won't bore you, but I'll try to at least finish some stories soon but real updates will only be on @GreysMeredithSwift 's account. We have two collars on her account those will still be updated. Bye y'all

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