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"Mer, you should go lay down" Derek tried

"No" She muttered in his chest "Mom and dad are here"

"You should go honey. You need your rest, we're leaving soon anyway" Christopher smiled

"Little longer" Meredith insisted and buried her head deeper as she felt pain ripping through her head

"I think we should leave.." Carolyn smiled sadly. "We'll be back tomorrow, the house was sold immediately so we can move in soon" The grey haired woman smiled

"Don't- Not because of me" Meredith sighed

"Honey, you need your rest and we had to go home anyway" Carolyn kissed Meredith's head

"We'll be back in the morning. Love you" Christopher kissed her head as well

"Love you too" Meredith muttered but didn't look up

"Thanks ma and pa for coming over. We'll see you tomorrow" Derek smiled and gave each of them a hug

"Bye!" The older couple said as they walked out and Meredith started sobbing

"Hey, they didn't leave because of you" Derek rubbed her back

"Hate being sick" Meredith muttered again

"I know. I hate that you're sick too but let's go upstairs to bed" Derek lifted her in his arms and walked to their bed


"Derek?" Carolyn and Christopher walked into the house the next morning but it was still dark inside to they guessed their kids were still asleep

"Mom?" Derek sighed as he peeked his head out of his bathroom "Would you mind helping for a minute?" His voice cracked

"What's wrong?!" Carolyn frowned as she jumped up and ran towards him

"Mer- She's unresponsive after a seizure.." Derek was close to crying

"Oh honey" Carolyn walked up to Meredith and held her hand

"Her neuro check was okay- I- She has chemo today but-" Derek was upset

"Der dear, come sit with me quickly" Carolyn urged him and held him tight as Meredith was starting to stir

"Mer? Meredith? It's okay, take it easy. Mom and I are here" Derek whispered

"Is everything okay?" Christopher walked in

"She's unresponsive. Dad- She had a seizure-" Derek told his dad and finally started crying

"She will be okay, son" Christopher rubbed Derek's back as he came closer

"Hmm" They suddenly heard Meredith groan

"Hey, you're back. You're okay." Derek tried to assure her

"I-" Meredith tried but suddenly threw up all over herself

"Shh, we'll change you" Carolyn held Meredith's hand in her own before she stood up and collected new clothes for her daughter

"Let's put you in the shower first" Derek lifted her in his arms and carried her to the shower, placing her down in the shower chair and he started washing her. Once he had helped her in her underwear he carried her back to their room where it was warmer

"How about we dress you in your yellow sweats?" Carolyn suggested, knowing how much her daughter loved those

Meredith cracked a little smile as both her husband and mother helped her getting dressed

"Do you want an extra cardigan or are you good like this?" Derek asked once she was ready

"Cardigan" She muttered as she felt completely drained despite sleeping for 12 hours

"Here, these are soft" Carolyn handed him the soft black cardigan

"Thanks mom" Meredith tried to smile but looked very weak

"Here you go." Derek wrapped her in the cardigan. "Do you wanna get up and sit a bit on our porch?" Derek asked her

"Mom. Dad. Garden." She insisted

"Sounds great honey. Let's go" Carolyn smiles and Derek lifted his wife in his arms while Carolyn held the doors open

"I have got us something to drink," Christopher smiles. "Mer, it's important you drink enough." He reminded her

"I know." She sighed in her husband's arms. "Love the sun"

"It's very nice. Mom, would you mind grabbing the suncream?" Derek asked Carolyn

"Of course Der." Carolyn smiled and got up to go get it

"We could do a brunch here if you'd like" Christopher suggested but Meredith stayed quiet in her husband's arms

"That would be nice, yeah" Derek smiled as he held tight onto Meredith. "Are you up for trying to eat something?" He asked her carefully while their parents went to get everything

"No" Meredith whispered

"You have chemo later on, it might be a good idea to try and eat something small." Derek tried again

"I said no" She sternly said, almost snapping, before closing her eyes

Derek sighed and held her in his arms, softly rubbing her back as he didn't expect her to snap

"I'm back with suncream." Carolyn smiled and Meredith weakly stretched her arms out

"Do you want me to help you out?" Derek carefully asked

"I can do it myself!" Meredith weakly argued

"Okay" Derek dropped it but she scooted out of his lap. "Mer.." He wanted to stop her but she continued and took a seat next to him

Quick update, just needed to get something out

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