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"Der- Wanna go home" Meredith muttered in the middle of the night

"Mer, you need to sleep" Derek whispered as he was completely exhausted

"Home.." Meredith muttered and weakly tried to sit up so she would be able to unplug herself

"Mer-" Derek suddenly realised what she was doing and sat up, turning on the lights to stop her

"Derek.." Meredith weakly whimpered "What's happening?" She muttered as she pulled away from his grip, the side of the bed catching her and preventing her from falling out of it

"Mer, shh" Derek held her down as she tried to fight him

"What's happening?" Addison ran in after Derek had paged her

"Can you help? She's very confused" Derek sighed before he softly kissed her forehead "MerMer, look who's here" He tried

"Hi Mer" Addison smiled and said "Can I help you?"

"A-Addie?" She asked confused

"Hi. You're okay, let me help you lay down. You can snuggle with your hubby" The redhead winked but Meredith seemed very confused about everything that was happening

"Lay with me" Derek helped her lay down gently in his arms, her head on his chest while Addison reconnected everything

"I'm staying a little, just until she's asleep" Addison teared up and felt Derek squeeze her hand


"Derek-" Mark tried to wake up his brother "Derek, wake up!" Mark tried again

"Mark? What the hell is going on?" Derek groaned

"Mom and dad are in the ER. Dad fell, it's nothing too bad but he'll need to take it easy the upcoming weeks" Mark explained

"He what? Where did he fall? What happened?" Derek asked, feeling concerned about his father

"He fell at home, must have missed a step.." Mark sighed

"Did he feel dizzy? Did he hit his head?" Derek sat up, he felt Meredith squirm a little before she winced

"They did a head ct, everything looks clean" Mark told his brother

"I wanna see those scans. Show them!" Derek raised his voice, causing Meredith to squirm again

"Shh Mer" Mark rubbed her upper arm while opening his dad's file on his Ipad "It's okay. Go back to sleep"

"Hmm.. Looks clean to me" Derek sighed as he checked the scans

"Told you" Mark laughed "Should I stay with Mer so you can go see them really quick?" Mark suggested

"Please" Derek nodded "Don't tell her yet, she doesn't need to worry any more for now"

"Derek, it's her dad as well, you can't hide this from her." Mark tried to reason

"She doesn't need this!" Derek sighed and got up. "Please page me if she wakes up.." He kissed Meredith's forehead and ran out if the room to the ER where he found his parents

"Derek?" Carolyn frowned as she held onto Christopher's hand

"Dad! What happened?" Derek frowned

"Son, I missed a step. I'm getting older" Christopher laughed

"Dad, this isn't funny!" Derek sighed and did a neuro check

"He's all good, son." Carolyn tried to assure him

"I'm sorry- I-" Derek got choked up

"Hey, come here" Carolyn opened his arms for him to cuddle into

"Mom-" He started crying but got disturbed by his pager that went off

"Go. We'll stop by once we're done here" Carolyn promised


Derek was lying down with Meredith in her arms after she had been throwing up for almost half an hour. She was dehydrated so Bailey had decided to give her IV fluids while she rested

"Mer, I need to tell you something" Derek quietly started

"W-What?" She muttered

"Dad got admitted to the ER-" Derek started to explain but Meredith interrupted him

"What? When? Why?" Meredith tried to sit up but her body protested against it and she winced in pain, Derek tightening his grip on her to make sure she wouldn't fall and led her into his chest

"He missed a step, his wrist is sprained. He'll be okay, I did a neuro check, I checked his scans.." Derek sighed

"You saw them? And you didn't tell me?" Meredith looked at him hurt

"It didn't seem like the right time, Mer.." Derek rubbed her arm

"You can't keep those things from me. Now help me get up, I wanna see dad" Meredith pushed herself a little up but already felt her headache getting worse

"No way, you're not going to the ER. They promised to stop by once dad's hand would be in a brace" Derek held her

"Let me go!" Meredith cried

"No, Mer. The ER is full of germs!" Derek wanted to stop her

"I hate it! I hate this!" She cried in her husband's arms

"Derek?" Carolyn knocked on the door

"Mom, come in. Is dad with you?" Derek asked

"No worries, I'm here" Christopher followed inside with Mark

"Hi sweetie" Carolyn placed a kiss on Meredith's head and then hugged her son

"How are you feeling?" Derek asked his dad as Christopher did the same as Carolyn but Meredith seemed to be gone quiet

"I'm okay, son. Just a sprained wrist" Christopher chuckled

"I'll have to play your maid for a few weeks" Carolyn smiled causing the others to laugh, only Meredith stayed quiet

"What's wrong, Mer?" Christopher asked "Is she feeling unwell?" Christopher frowned

"Something like that" Derek nodded his head

"Sorry" Meredith muttered in Derek's chest and broke down in sobs "Sorry-"

"Hey, why are you sorry?" Carolyn frowned and looked up at her son who shrugged

"I-I'm sorry.. I-" Meredith cried

"Sweetie, come here" Carolyn opened her arms and Meredith wanted to reach out for her mom but was physically unable as she was too weak so Carolyn took over "Can you give us some time?" She asked Mark, Derek and Christopher

"Let's go get your prescriptions, dad" Mark said and walked them out of the room

"Mom-" Meredith cried as she felt too weak to do anything else

"Shh, honey. It's okay. Wanna tell me what's wrong?" Carolyn asked

"Dad- I-I couldn't. I'm sorry-" Meredith cried as she was unable to express herself as she cried into her mother's chest, barely able to speak loud enough due to the bad headache she had

"We knew, Mer. Dad and I are aware you couldn't come to the ER. Nothing bad happened, he just missed a step and fell on his wrist" Carolyn explained while rubbing Meredith's back softly

"H-Help-" Meredith whispered but clutched her head

"Hey, shh. Why don't you rest a bit before we continue this talk?" Carolyn suggested and wiped away Meredith's tears

"H-Hurts" Meredith whispered

"I know, baby girl. I'm so sorry" Carolyn kissed Meredith's temples and held her

"Just wanna go home." She whispered in her mother's arms

"Soon" Carolyn kissed Meredith's forehead

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