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Meredith was sitting in the kitchen, her hands wrapped around her waist

"Mom, Alice asked if I wanted to come over this afternoon" A now 14 year old Ava asked

Meredith quickly tried her tears and then responded "Of course honey. Do I have to drop you off?"

"Dad said he could drive me if it was okay for you. Thanks mom" Ava smiled and ran back inside

Meredith was trying to hold her tears at bay but once she heard Derek yell he'd be back in a bit and hear them leave the house she completely broke down as sobs overtook her body

"Mom? Are you okay?" Emma quietly asked and took a seat

"Yeah of course" Meredith breathed heavily as her stomach was once again hurting as she tried to eat a small meal, she then started her tube feeding and was now waiting as the liquid would enter her body

"Does your stomach hurts?" Emma quietly asked as she saw her mother connected to the feeding tube and her arms that were wrapped around her stomach

"It's okay, Em" Meredith forced a smile on her lips

"I love you" Emma cuddled underneath Meredith's arm

"I love you too" Meredith breathed

"Should I call dad?" Emma asked

"No. He just left to drop of Ava" Meredith sighed. She didn't wanna call, she didn't want him to take care of her all the time, scared she'd be a complete burden

"Should I call aunt Addie or uncle Mark?" Emma then asked

"Emmie, I'm okay" Meredith nodded "Nana and Poppa are gonna stop by in a bit"

"Okay" The girl nodded her head "Do you need anything?"

"I'm fine" Meredith nodded her head

"Mom-" Emma sighed

"I'm gonna lay down" Meredith pushed herself up and groaned softly. Emma jumped up as well and grabbed the machine that was pumping the liquid into her mother's body

Meredith was weak some days. She worked 2, sometimes 3, days a week. Or rather half days but they already ruined her completely. She always had to sleep once she came home, her body just couldn't take long hours, especially when she was coming down with something

"Can I lay with you?" Emma asked

"Of course honey" Meredith nodded softly and took a seat. Her body was aching, she was having a lot of stomach pain

The two laid down on the couch, both drifting off. Meredith was sleepy from the pills she had taken as the pain got too bad. She was happy when she felt the relief of the pain getting slightly better


Derek had arrived back home a bit ago. He had started to clean the house and making soup and dinner when suddenly he heard his youngest daughter

"Dad?" She quietly asked

"Yes Em?" He turned around to face her

"Could you help me with homework?" She asked him

"Oh Em. Uh- Of course but can it wait until after dinner?" He asked

"Okay" Emma nodded and walked towards her room where she grabbed her bunny and sat down on the ground. She had been dealing a lot with anxiety the past years. She always tried to not worry her parents, she knew they felt guilty towards her

Emma was sitting in her room for a while. Sometimes she played music, sometimes she just sat down in silence. She had been shutting out everything and had gotten aware of it when her mother knocked on the door of her bedroom

"Emmie?" Meredith knocked again

"Oh-" Emma quickly stood up and opened the door

"Hey, are you okay?" Meredith asked and painfully made her way over to the chair so she could sit down for a minute

"Of course" Emma nodded "Are you?" She frowned

"Stop worrying so much about me" Meredith said sternly with a small frown on her face

"But mom-" Emma tried to stop her

"No, you need to enjoy being a teenager" Meredith started rubbing Emma's back "I'm perfectly fine"

"Guys, are you coming for dinner?" They heard Derek yell

"Coming!" Emma replied and helped her mother on her feet as the two of them made their way over back to the kitchen

"Here you go" Derek placed the bowl of soup in front of Meredith and kissed her forehead

"Thanks" She sighed as she watched how he placed two plates on the table with real food and not the soup she had been drinking for the past 7 years

She was still unable to eat solid foods. Her body had too many issues adjusting. Sometimes even liquid food didn't even work out and Meredith had a feeling that was what was about to happen today as well

Meredith grabbed the spoon and ate some of the soup until the incoming pain in her stomach made her stop eating

Derek noticed how she clutched her stomach and he laid his hand on hers

"I have to go to the bathroom" She excused herself, walked to the bathroom and took a seat as she started crying in pain

"Mom?" She heard Emma knock on the door a bit later

"I'm okay honey. I'll be back in a bit" Meredith whimpered

"Do you need dad?" Emma asked her mother

"No. It's okay. It's okay" Meredith assured her

"Okay" Emma nodded "Do I have to bring your pills?"

"Emmie, I'm fine. I'll be there in a bit" Meredith assured her daughter "Go finish dinner, honey"

"Okay" Emma quietly said and Meredith heard her youngest daughter walking away

Meredith sobbed as the pain in her stomach kept getting worse, she was craving for a morphine drip but also hated spending the night in bed without her girls

"Mer?" She then heard Derek's voice

"Derek- Pills. Something" She sobbed as the pain got too bad

Derek quickly ran back to the kitchen only to return with a needle. She assumed it was indeed some morphine to help take the edge off

"Sit still, okay?" He gave her the injection and scooped her up and carried her towards their bedroom "Take a nap, let the meds work" He kissed her forehead

"M sorry" Meredith muttered

"Don't be" Derek kissed her forehead

Please let me know if you liked this chapter!

Btw this is my 23rd book :o im shocked hahaha

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