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"Ava, you can't go to Lisa's tomorrow, it's Aunt Addie's birthday," Derek said sternly

"I hate it here!" Ava screamed as she slammed the door shut

"Derek-" Meredith whispered and looked at her husband as her eyes widened. She was still exhausted and not feeling very well.

"She doesn't mean it" Derek sighed and held her hand

"I'm gonna talk to her-" Meredith pulled away

"Give her a minute to calm down" He rubbed her back

"No, I need to talk to her. Help me up" She said sternly

"Meredith, you have to rest. Give her a minute" Derek sighed

"Then I'll do it myself" She pushed herself up and winced, Derek eventually helped her up anyway and he watched her as she made her way over to Ava's room "Ave?" She knocked on the door

"Leave!" She heard her daughter yell

"Ava, please open the door" Meredith asked again

"No! I don't wanna talk to you!" Ava screamed "I hate everything!"

"Ava-" Meredith gasped at her daughter's words. Those words ripped through her heart. Meredith decided to walk to her own bedroom and laid down on the bed as she didn't want her daughter to open the door to see her mother in tears.

"Mom?" Emma frowned as she passed her parents' bedroom and saw her mother laying down

"Yeah?" Meredith asked, her voice a bit hoarse from crying

"Are you doing okay?" Emma didn't dare to walk inside, her voice cracking

"Of course" Meredith nodded and wiped her tears away "Are you doing okay?" She asked her daughter

"You were yelling" Emma quietly whispered

"I'm sorry, honey" Meredith reached out for Emma and the girl slowly walked closer to her mother "I know you don't like it when we yell but everything's okay now" Meredith pulled Emma onto the bed and rubbed her back softly

"Is Ava okay?" Emma pulled her knees to her chest

"Of course. She's just angry and upset" Meredith explained

"I heard her yelling at you" Emma pulled her knees even tighter to her chest

"I know but she doesn't mean it" Meredith pulled Emma close to her

"Does she hate us?" Emma looked into her mother's eyes

"Of course not, honey. Let's lay down a bit. Ava will be much calmer in a bit" Meredith helped her daughter lay down and joined her, the girl burying herself into her mother's body


"No! Leave me!" Ava yelled

"Ava, calm down please" Meredith heard her husband say and felt Emma shaking in her arms, causing her to wake up

"Em, it's okay. Shh" Meredith whispered and hugged Emma tighter to her chest

"Why are they yelling?" Emma asked quietly

"Shh, sweetheart. Can I go see what's going on?" Meredith asked and stood up after Emma nodded

Meredith stood up and opened the door as she heard Ava scream

"No! I wanna get out of this house!" Ava swung her arms in the air

"Ava-" Meredith gasped and wanted to grab her daughter's arm but Ava pulled away, causing Meredith to lose her balance

"Mommy!" Emma gasped as she saw her mother falling on the floor

"Mom!" Ava gasped and backed up until she felt her back touching the wall

"Mer!" Derek kneeled down next to her "Let me see" he grabbed her arm but she winced in pain "We have to go to the hospital"

"It's okay" Meredith nodded and held her wrist which she hurt as she fell

"I'm s-so s-sorry" Ava stammered

"It's okay, Ave" Meredith tried to calm her oldest daughter down "Derek, take the girls to the living room. I'll be there in a bit" She ordered her husband

"No way, you probably broke your wrist, it's already swollen" Derek pointed out "Ava, Emma, put on your jackets please"

"I'm fine, Derek" Meredith insisted and looked at her oldest daughter that was still backed up against the wall, clearly shocked by what she had done to her mother. Meredith tried to look out for Emma but couldn't immediately find her youngest daughter "Em?" Meredith tried to turn around a bit without moving her wrist that started to hurt more and more

"Mom" Emma whimpered as she was hiding in the room

"It's okay, Em. Come here" Meredith tried but the girl was frozen in her spot

"Mer, I'm gonna lift you up" He announced, the two girls still not moving. He carried her towards their car and helped her get in. He returned to get his girls. They were both very shocked by what had happened. "Come on, everything will be fine" He led them outside, he grabbed a pillow and his keys and walked to the car. He placed Meredith's arm on the pillow and drove to the hospital where he parked his car

"Ave, can you help mom on the other side?" Derek asked as he saw how Emma was almost dissociating for the situation but Meredith was exhausted and he felt her leaning on him

"Okay" Ava nodded but she was scared to touch her mom, scared she'd hurt her again

"Em, come here baby" Meredith reached out for her daughter with her other arm "Emma please, honey" Meredith's heart broke but the girl eventually got out and followed them

"Hey guys!" Mark smiled as he walked towards them "What's wrong?" He frowned as he saw how Meredith clutched her arm to her chest

"I took a fall, Derek thinks it's broken but it's not that bad" Meredith explained and Mark checked it out, causing her to wince

"Come with me, I'm paging Torres" Mark gestured to a nurse for a wheelchair and helped his sister sit down

"Markie, I can walk-" Meredith sighed

"I know but you're tired and in pain" He said sternly and Derek grabbed the handles of the wheelchair as Mark led the way, holding Emma and Ava's hands as he noticed something was up


"Okay Meredith, we'll put your wrist in a brace. It's pretty badly sprained" Link explained

"Thanks" Meredith whispered as she was struggling to stay awake

"You can lay down a bit while I'm getting one" Link suggested and walked out of the room

Meredith rested her head on her husband's chest, she didn't want to lay down "Girls?" She muttered

"Addie has them. They're in good hands" Derek held her against his chest as he brushed his fingers through her hair

A bit later Link walked inside and put Meredith's wrist in the brace, adjusting it so it would sit perfectly "Take it easy for the upcoming weeks. No lifting, don't use it too much and let it rest at all times, try to wiggle your fingers a few times an hour" He instructed

"Thanks" Meredith muttered and Derek lifted her into his arms

"Do you need a wheelchair?" Link asked

"No, I'm taking her home like this" Derek quickly said and scooped up Meredith in his arms and left the room. By the time they reached the car she was asleep so he drove home where Addison and the girls were. They had calmed down a lot by now but were still concerned so Derek had suggested to all lay down together in the bed. Tomorrow they had to talk about what happened but he knew his daughter didn't mean to hurt her mother

I'm going to my mother's house tonight so I won't be able to update until tomorrow night. I can write, I just can't publish. It's been a bit of a weird week and I have two very busy weeks coming up so I might disappear or I'll be hiding by writing way too much. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, feel free to vote and comment :)

As it was (4/4)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon