Chapter 38 Getting Together

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Hello guys!

I just wanted to let you know that I've recently published two novellas to Wattpad and I'd really appreciate it if you'd check them out!

Thank you and hope you enjoy! <3 

Chapter 38 Getting together

Randall's POV

We dragged Karim with us to where we knew Ralph and Aiden would be. They were relaxing by the fire when we stormed in. My brother looked at the door with wide eyes at the loud noise but he relaxed when he saw it was us.

"I thought we knew how to knock?" He chuckled lightly but his voice wavered a little bit. "Is everything alright?" His words were slow, I didn't like it.

"No," Tempest answered shortly. I expected her to keep going but all she did was cross her arms and tap her foot.

"We're not happy with what's been planned," I continued for the sake of getting this conversation over with. "We think it's a bad idea separating packs. We think it's a bad idea separating in general." Ralph sighed and looked towards Aiden for help. Aiden just shrugged and shook his head.

"I know." He stood up and moved around the settee, facing us. "I don't agree with it either. Neither does Carme, Waverly, or Arkin. Nobody is paying attention to us because we don't have the majority vote." I shook my head in disbelief, as well as a few other members of our family.

"Majority vote is a bunch of rubbish," Karim pointed out with his arms crossed. "If we go the way they're planning the majority would be dead." It wasn't one of the times where I appreciated his blunt honesty. "The pups will be vulnerable, the rest of the pack will be vulnerable if you take the best fighters to attack."

We had shifted into a circle at this point, Aiden standing between Ralph and Karim. "I agree fully." Aiden nodded his head. "He goes for the weakest parts in the chain and uses it to shatter the entire pack." Bitterness hung from every word that he said, which usually happened when discussing Travis.

"We have to convince them," Rhodes stepped forward slightly. "Our children are already at great risk, we can't put them in more danger." Ralph snorted humorlessly at her words.

"Would you like to know Kian's reaction to that?" Ralph shifted, his shoulders slumped slightly and his hands balled into fists. "They're werewolves, they've got to learn from a young age to look after themselves. They've got to learn how to fight or die." Elowen's mouth opened wide in shock.

"Our youngest is five!" She nearly shrieked. "They can't fight against fully grown adults who have been training their entire lives." Her face was getting redder and redder.

"It's impossible, what if the place gets ambushed?" Hollis moved his hand to his mouth and started to bite at his nails. "Do we know if they have any protocol on that?" I bit my lip slightly. It was very clear who was the youngest out of all the parents. Hollis and Elowen have been the kind to worry since I can remember. Tempest and Moss were the oldest in the pack, save for my father and Lathen. They planned their pregnancy to a T and how they would bring up their children. The fact that they were twins threw a little trouble their way but they took it in stride. Beaumont and Rhodes looked towards them for advice on how they should go about doing things. They loved Lowell so much they decided to have Oran a few years later. Elowen and Hollis were rather inexperienced and didn't plan too much since we were going through a tough patch. Melina was rather easy to take care of, not getting too fussy or in any trouble.

"I'm sure they don't." Ralph shook his head. "What are we supposed to do? Refuse to co-operate until they listen?" The room fell into a silence as glances were exchanged. "That's not a good idea."

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