Chapter 32 Disappointment

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Chapter 32 Disappointment

-Beaumont's POV-

Our paws hit the ground as we followed a familiar trail. It had been about the third time this week that we followed this exact path towards Quartvear. This time, it wasn't to talk to our pack, see our children or to come up with a plan. This time we were going to break into one of the biggest influences in the werewolf and human world.

I am being rather dramatic. Travis had gotten us so close to his home several times apparently, we hadn't noticed. His house was very close to the Reilly house, it was within the group of mansions that clustered together in the posh part of town. That's how Aiden described it, with a bit of an attitude I may add. I didn't quite understand that sourness but I didn't ask about it either.

"On course?" I heard Randall's faint voice in my head. I was frustrated at how quiet it was, he must be distracted. There are many factors which could influence our communication with each other over long distances.

"Yes," I sent back to him as clear as day. "We can see the mansions," I addled onto the end, removing the salty tone that I once had.

"Good," his voice got a little clearer which nearly caused me to snicker.There was a rather big group of us. I was surprised we hadn't been found already, I was sure we were making quite a bit of noise in the forest. We saw quite a few animals, which swiftly ran away as they caught sight and smell of us. "His is the biggest," he said as though repeating what he had been told.

"Of course it is," My attention went back to the path and the other wolves around me as we stopped. Some started to shift back whilst others stayed in their wolf form. Karim was one of the ones who turned back, putting on his now signature hoodie and a pair of jeans. "We're going into the house," he said in an authoritative tone. He was probably the youngest of the group but he knew the place best. Some wolves took kinder to this than others did. "We'll open the back doors slightly just in case we need you." The wolves nodded with varying eagerness.

"What are we expecting to find in there?" A member of Waverly's pack asked. Rhodes and Elowen stayed beside me, Elowen probably would've gone inside as well if there weren't so many already going in.

"Anything fun," a member of Dillion's pack replied with a shrug. "Money, documents, money." The wolf which was next to them gave a nudge. "Money's important to the cause." They placed a hand over their heart.

"A person to beat up," someone from Alora's pack butted in with a grin. They cracked their knuckles and their neck. I admired their enthusiasm but that wasn't what we were there for.

"Let's go before he gets back," Karim demanded as we headed closer. The back of the mansion showed how grand it was. We couldn't get too close due to the outside pool, but we got as close as we could. "Thank god for his balconies," Karim muttered. He reached up and grabbed the bottom of the balcony. He pulled himself up and stood on the ledge before swinging himself over the railing.

He made it look easy when it was anything but for the others who followed him. Those from Kian's and Dillion's packs seemed to have less of a problem with it. Those from Carme's and Waverly's packs seemed to struggle significantly.

I crept closer to the mansion as the people walked through the balcony door. It wasn't the office door which was previously mentioned but this was definitely the biggest mansion out of those we had seen.

After a few moments, the silence became too silent. I looked to my right to see Elowen's eyes trained on me. I nodded and turned around. Everyone else was looking at the house. A movement caught my eye and caused me to snarl. Most of the wolves around me jumped at the sudden noise and turned to where I was looking.

From the woods came a wolf, one which looked rather familiar. They looked like the wolf we had fought at our packhouse, the interrogator. The wolf was quickly taken care of by some of the fighters in the group, but they seemed to pop out of nowhere. More and more wolves came out of the trees. They must be contacting the rest of their pack.

"We're being attacked," I sent the message to Randall quickly as I was soon faced with a grey coloured wolf's claws. I could hear mumble in the back of my mind but I couldn't concentrate on that as I avoided teeth and bashes. I aimed for the stomach with my teeth, something which would cause more damage and let them know I wasn't playing around.

Gasps and howls of pain and anger filled the air as more and more wolves joined the fight. Some came from the house and jumped off the balcony as they turned into their wolves. "Who's attacking?" Randall's voice came through once the wolf I was fighting was given to an ally.

"How should I know?" I snapped back as someone else came for me. "They all look the same, smell the same and act the same." I shook my head and growled as the wolf clawed at my arm. It didn't take long for everybody to be fighting.

I looked around what had become the battlefield with slight disgust. Not all of our group were trained fighters, yet we made it out with only a few major injuries. Someone in our group had a concussion, a few had broken limbs and some had quite sizable chunks taken from them. Yet, we still managed to defeat the enemy.

"This isn't right," I told the other members of my pack. "This was too easy. It can't have been this easy."

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