Chapter 9 Late Night Moments

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Chapter 9 late night moments

Aiden's POV

I didn't get a lot of sleep that night. I usually felt relaxed and calm at night. Though, tonight I couldn't find the will to close my eyes for long. It was because Ralph wasn't there next to me. He was by his desk, which we had stolen from Randall's room. He was humming and making noises of frustration for a good half hour. He was crumpling up pieces of paper and throwing them behind him. I eventually had enough and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Can I help with anything?" The light from his lamp made his features look dark as he turned to look at me, yet it shone in his eyes, illuminating the bright emerald green. He was wrapped in a blanket but he wore nothing else to cover his chest.

"I don't know." He sighed and turned back around as I came up behind him, leaning down to look at what he was writing. "I'm trying to write a message for the other pack to help us. I don't know what to say." He shook his head and leant it on his hand.

"Don't put a lot of detail into it." I advised calmly. "It might get seen by anyone, can't really trust these post people." He looked at me with confusion but nodded anyway. "How much do you really know about this pack?" I crouched down beside him, due to the lack of another chair.

"Not a lot." He sighed again and put his pen down, turning to look at me. I leant more on his legs as he moved the chair to face me too. His long locks of hair framed his face beautifully. "We don't even know whose side they're on. If they have a side, if they're going through struggles of their own." I gave him a sad smile.

"When was your last werewolf convention?" He chuckled at my odd wording again and ran his thumbs over the backs of my hands.

"It was about eight months ago." He bit his lip lightly. A lot could happen in eight months, I knew that rather well. "I just hope they listen to us." I picked up his hands and placed a gentle kiss on the back of them.

"They will." I tried to reassure. "How about we get some sleep and think about this tomorrow? We won't be able to post it tonight." He nodded and let a hand slip out of mine to turn the light off. I stood up with him and led him to the bed. "Lie down."

"So demanding." He grinned at me before lying down, the room was still rather small so the bed was pushed up against the wall. He moved so that he was pressed against it and held his arms out for me. "That's my job. Come here." I shook my head and did as I was told.

"Sometimes, you need someone else to make the demands." I smiled up at him. We were now snuggled together with several blankets around us. I would have still been warm with just Ralph there. "I love you."

"I love you too." He lent down and gave me a sweet kiss which lingered for a while before he pulled back and smiled at me. "We'll get through this together. We've come this far." I nodded and leant in for another kiss.

"And I'll be here for you forever."

The night was a quick one as we both fell asleep rather quickly once we were in each other's arms. The next morning was a very stressful one as Ralph went straight back to the desk once I got up. I had to get up and out of the room before he could get off the bed. "Good morning to you." I came back and kissed his cheek and looked at what he was writing. "That's good."

"It really isn't." He shook his head and went to crumple the piece of paper up but I caught his hands.

"We're saving a forest, let's save two and keep the paper." He huffed lightly but nodded and handed the letter to me. I read it over once again before putting it back on the desk in front of him and grabbed his pen. The handwriting was clearly different from Ralph's but it continued on from what he said. "How about that?"

In the end, the text read;


I hope that you and the members of your family are faring well. I hope that you do not find this message as alarming or intruding.

We are sending this as a plea for help. The forest is being threatened, and we believe it would be beneficial if we work together..

You do not need to respond to this message. It would be extremely appreciated however if you could send any aid which you can spare.

I also regret to inform you that the head of this family has changed. His life was taken by this threat. Ralph Sheehan is the new head of the family.

Wishing you all the very best

The Quartvear's

I raised an eyebrow at Ralph's very impressive looking signature before nodding and grabbing the envelope. "We just sending the one?" He shook his head and put a finger to his lips.

"We need all the help we can get. We just have to hope nobody catches on." I nodded and the letter was written out again and again. "To the post office?" He asked me curiously but I shook my head.

"Breakfast first." He pouted and nodded, kissing me on the forehead before rushing out of the room. I followed him with slumped shoulders and a roll of my eyes. He seemed rather eager to get these letters posted, I didn't blame him.

"Good morning." Beaumont smiled at us from the cooker as he was frying some eggs. "Early start for everyone it seems." I didn't quite understand what he was talking about until I turned the corner and saw everyone sitting down.

"This is surprising." I grinned. "Good morning." I got a variety of waves and greetings back . "What's everyone doing today?" I couldn't help the curiosity be expressed.

"I've got training with Beaumont and Elowen." Tempest grinned at me with an excited spark. "The others have chores to do until lunch." Moss nodded at his partner's words.

"Then we're swapping." Moss continued with the same excitement.

"Do you guys always get this excited when you train?" The two of them nodded whilst Rhodes snorted and covered her face.

"They used to be a lot worse." She said, "Honestly, the two of them aren't allowed to train together anymore." I chuckled whilst Harlow tilted his head. I was sitting next to hima s usual, though he still preferred his spot on the floor.

"Speaking of plans, Moss and Rhodes. Do you guys mind coming with us today?" The two shook their heads at Ralph's words.

"You know, you really don't have to ask." Rhodes pointed out with a grin. "I'm always up for it, but you're alpha now. You don't have to ask us if we're alright with things." Ralph shook his head.

"I know I don't have to, I want to. Lathen took the feelings of the pack members into consideration and I will too. It makes it easier for all of us. He then downed what he was drinking and looked at me excitedly. "Post office?""

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