Bloody hands - 16

Start from the beginning

I nodded.

He took my hand and grabbed his guitar and lead new out of his room to the front door.

Techno POV

Me and mum were watching a movie, I liked it when we did this. She said she would have to go when the food is ready and that we can continue the movie after everyone has ate.

But I didn't want her to leave.


We sat in the woods and Wilbur played meteor shower . I really liked it. It was nice. Made me feel safe.

It reminded me of myself.

Making up problems that don't exist, why do I let myself dream like this

Like dad said making things up in order to get attention of stressing about something a lot.

I'd sell my own bones for sapphire stone

I would do anything for my brothers.

We stayed out there for a while just sat on the mossy floor and I made a flower crown for wil.

I hummed along to the song and liked the vibrations the guitar made when Wilbur played it.

My stomach growled as Wilbur finished playing devil town and I really liked that one too. It talks about running away I want to do that again.

Wilbur noticed and started to get up.

"In not hungry." I signed hopefully he knew what I was saying.

" I'm sorry y/n I don't know what you just said but the food must be done by now. I didn't tell Phil so he doesn't even know we are out here. "

So we are going to get in trouble. I started getting upset and Wilbur picked me up. At first I didn't like it. But then he started to gently sing to my favourite songs he just played and before I even knew it we were in the house again.

Everyone was eating at the table but me and will. They were all staring so I buried my head into Wilbur 's neck.

He smelt like vanilla and coffee. It was nice. Calmed down now I felt like I could sleep for hours.

"Where have you two been I have been texting your phone wilbur Soot." Phil said anger lingering in his voice.

I started crying. I don't know why but he was mad at us. And I felt bad . It was my fault and now he's getting in trouble.

I kept my head near Wilbur 's and cried.

"I went out because they were crying when they came into my room . Phil. They wanted to go out so we did. It claimed them listening to the music outside . They didn't want to go but I convinced them to come. I sung more songs for them and now your practically shouting at an already upset child. Thanks a lot Phil! "

"Y/n Do you want to come to my room we can get some food and watch a movie after we have got clean."

I waited a second before nodding.

" Ok, I'll have a shower then you can have one then we'll relax in my room. "

I shuffled and nodded.

It sounded nice.

Wilbur waited for me outside the bathroom when I finished the shower and he gave me another jumper saying this one was techno 's.

It was pink with a little red embroidered heart on it. I sat on Wilbur 's bed with him and watched classic Disney movies since I hadn't seen very many.

My favourite was snow white.

We ate out dinner upstairs and I ended up falling asleep nice and warm.

But I didn't finish my food and dad didn't like that.

But I was safe with Wilbur.

And techno.

But I'm not sure about my own brothers. I hope they still love me.


Hi I've been 're reading my stories band in sorry for how many mistakes there are.

Tubbo auto corrects to dunno and there are other things like nice being turned into really or something like that. I don't really proof read and I know I should but can you blame me.I have to read back over , over one thousand words. so yeah I usually go back over it a couple days or a week after posting.

a lot of the mistakes I just read over and correct it in my head even though it's not what is wrote down so if you guys just can't read a section I can read over it and fix it.

trips upload today. I'm going crazy. I have an ear ache now so I'm going to stop for now but you'll know if I post another time today.

Drink. Eat. Sleep. Repeat. The true grind is getting through the day.

word count -1227

Please don't leave again - sbi adoption auWhere stories live. Discover now