Never listen - 10

357 13 4

Trigger warnings - crying , bad thoughts , self harm, censored swears


 "They ran offf"

"Phil your just overreacting they're fine"

 "Just got dispatched form the hospital last night, they need to rest"

"They aren't communicating "

"They said they hear voices "

"Wait ...what !! "

 "Quiet or they will hear, so will the boys"

 "Phil don't you Renner when I was mute. I didn't talk for years there's nothing wrong with that"

 "I know it's just harder"

 " What's on their file? Like all of their mental illnesses"

"Well there is..."

 Phil began listing a long name of confusing words most of them I didn't know.

(What ever mental illnesses is for the reader to choose some are very vaguely out in others not so much but I wanted the reader to connect with y/n that's why)

I started to stirr and slowly tried to get up ignoring the pain in my head. MY bag was now on the floor instead of in my hands and my work shows were on the floor. 

I tried to look over to where I heard the voices come from. They were sat go on the kitchen island where the stools were and looked over hearing me. I peaked under the sofa when seeing all of their eyes on me.

Did I do something wrong.

If that was me I would have beat you until you were unconscious.

llistening into others conversations is disgusting.


They have you.

They're gonna send you back with out Tommy and Tubbo.

You don't deserve them.


I was still ducked down with now him talking to me.

but he was correct. Right.

He was is my father so he must be right.

I could hear footsteps come over to me and that made me want to disappear into the soft fabric of the sofa.

"Y/n did you hear anything?'

Phil. Oh no.

I just shut my eyes closed expecting some for of a hit. A slap. A punch anything but it never came.

I didn't want to look at his expression in his face I knew it would be either anger or pure disappointment.

I peaked an eye open to see a sad smile on his face.

"Y/n we don't use physical abuse in this house. "

'I don't believe you' I signed quickly not expecting anyone to pick up on it.

I heard a small but still audible sigh. Then a new set of eyes came into view. Techno.

"Y/n. "He started almost intimidating. "We will not hurt you." 

I continued looking down. 

" I saw what you signed."

Oh great they hate me even more.

"Can you answer Phil's question please."

I wanted to cry.

Please don't leave again - sbi adoption auWhere stories live. Discover now