JATP reads a Y/N fanfic

Start from the beginning


a/n I got lazy of doing quotation mark so its gonna be like line in a script.

Alex - Ok, Goldilocks

Julie - Nah, that's definitely Rapunzel. "Let down your hair" built ass.


I blinked my blue orbs twice and stammered an apology.



Reggie - ssss, you a snake?

Flynn - Stutter count 82

Luke - And its only chapter one?!

Julie - She lagging again? Put her in some rice

Alex - Nah, just take her back to the Apple store

Flynn - You tried turning it off and on?

Luke - Orbs... She blinked her orbs!

Reggie - She blinked her pearls!


He growled at me in return.

"You better be!"


Luke - He growled, grrrr

Julie - Okay, Tony the Tiger

Reggie - He a dinosaur from Jurassic Park or something?

Alex - Forget "Fight Song", sing "Roar" since we're acting like animals

Flynn - Then she should sing "Animals" by Maroon 5

Reggie - *stifling a laugh* Maroon 5!


He shoved me against the locker and purred.

"I'm watching you,"


Reggie - Oh so, he's not a dinosaur, he's a cat

Flynn - My cat does it all the time, I'm not impressed

Julie - Uh, justice for the locker

Alex - Yeah, locker lives matter!

They all giggle


As he looked down at me, I took in his details.

He had dark hair and electric green orbs.

Under his gaze, I shivered slightly.


Luke - Why is she shivering?

Reggie - Yeah, didn't she wear this *gesturing to the picture that was showing what y/n was wearing* to school?!

Alex - A whole ass winter outfit

Julie - Just for Antarctica. She has no reason to be cold!


He pressed my back against the locker even more and peered closest to my face. His voice came out as a low growl, a warning.

"Remember, behavior, I'm watching you"


Flynn - Not Shrek thinking he's our dad

Reggie - Did we skip a few chapters??

Julie - Nope, still chapter 1

Alex - Why do we keep getting pushed against the wall?!

Julie - He really said, "personal space? Don't know her,"

Luke - We're victim

Flynn - Here we go, CSI


My heart fluttered as I watched him leave.


Flynn - Okay sis, didn't know hearts had wings

Julie - Didn't know hearts could become butterflies but go off I guess.


I started on my way to class.


"Okay, we need to stop," Julie says, turning off her phone. Everyone groans.

"Next time," Julie says, pulling Flynn out of the studio and going to her room.

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