The Chocolates PT. 1 / ?

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Summary: Someone ate Alex's Halloween chocolate.
Warnings: None (i think)

Alex: Hey Reg!
Reggie, eating chocolate: Hi!
Alex, confused and concerned: What are you doing, bud?
Reggie: Eating chocolate
Alex: Now I wish I have chocolate!
Reggie: Do you still have Halloween candy?
Alex: Yes?
Reggie: Then go it that! You probably still have chocolate in your bucket!
Alex: You're right!
Alex runs out and runs back in 2 minutes later
Alex: Someone got to my chocolate first... and left the wrappers!
Reggie: Oh well, I may or may not be guilty of doing that
Alex: *gasp* You ate my chocolates?!
Reggie: Oh ummm no! I-I would never that! What would I do such a thing!
Alex: Then what type of chocolate did I have?
Reggie: Um uhhh KitKat?
Alex: You're safe... For now until I find a KitKat wrapper in my bucket
Reggie: Oh ok...

Reggie's Pov
That was too close! I can't tell him that either Luke or Julie took it...

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