Chapter 66 - Charlie Foxtrot

Start from the beginning

Hitting the ground in a roll, Malon recovered swiftly back onto her feet before stabbing the spear at one of Ruto's legs. "You attacked us! And you violated Link, you disgusting bitch!" She raged.

Recollection slammed into Ruto at the gravity of what she was being blamed of. It had been so long and her memories so jumbled over the past few orbits that she had almost forgotten what she was accountable for. Leaping lithely over the strike, she skipped back a few paces to gain some distance between her and Malon. "It was you who discovered us that night?" Ruto asked incredulously, "I'm sorry you had to get in the way, it was something personal between Link and I. It is nothing for you to be concerned with."

Malon laughed bitterly at her supposed rival, "Something personal? It was everything personal to me!"

Ruto cocked her head questioningly, "What do you mean?"

Malon stood up to her full height, ignoring the rising nausea that was threatening her stomach. "We are together. We've been joined for a long time now." She stated flatly, enjoying the reaction it received from Ruto.

"You mean you had him before me?" Ruto inquired dangerously. Some inner demon was growing deep inside her, jealously began to rear its ugly head in her mind.

Smirking at the Zora's envious response, Malon made sure she said her next words slowly while rubbing her belly to accentuate the point. "Yes, and I am now pregnant with his child."

Something snapped inside Ruto, all those orbits of being retrained into forgetting about Link by Veraca and the others had been undone in one moment. Her gills flared as she puffed out her chest, within seconds she spat a virulent stream of viscous poison that sailed through the air. Malon screamed as she saw the disgusting fluid hurtling towards her face. She dove to the side as it splashed on the ground where she stood, boring a hole into the turf, killing the grass around it.

Cursing loudly, Ruto flexed her fins causing them to grow taut and firm, their ends like a razor's edge. Dashing quickly at the recovering Malon, Ruto spun her arms slicing downward in an arc; it nicked a cut across Malon's cheek. She shrilled in pain before diving out of the way of the second arm as it cut through the air just inches from her head. Blindly wiping and smearing the blood away from her face, Malon resumed her battle stance and prepared for another attack.

Within moments, Ruto was upon her with claws scratching the air in front of Malon's nose. Malon had to focus keenly on deflecting each blow with the shaft of her spear, stepping back with each swing. She presently bumped up against a nearby tree. Thinking fast, Malon grinned smugly as she circumvented a lethal jab of sharp fins as Ruto cursed her luck. Her razor appendages had drawn a wide swath across the trunk and it did not give. Clutching the wilted membrane in her hands, she glared at Malon hideously for having marred both of her arms.

"This is for Link!" Malon cried as she dove forward with her spear.

Swiftly evading the attack, Ruto stepped to the side. She smoothly gripped the passing wooden shaft and pulled Malon closer to her. The sudden heave staggered Malon, causing her to lose her footing. Taking the initiative, Ruto bashed a fist into Malon's nose, drawing blood. Wasting no time, Ruto knocked her to the ground. Malon gasped as her back slammed to the ground, knocking the air out of her.

Ruto was upon her, her legs straddling Malon's waist while her arms gripped Malon's wrists tightly above her head. She leaned in closer before whispering rancorously into her ear. "He was my beloved first, before he was ever yours!"

Malon struggled against the Zora's muscle, but her will and strength was no match for Ruto's uncanny surge of power. Leering at her, Ruto flared out her gills and sucked in a breath in preparation of pouring acidic juices all over Malon's face. A whistle of air stopped the torrid process as Ruto quickly rolled off Malon and rose to a knee to face the new threat. Standing beside a shaking Giana, Ashley was calmly nocking another arrow to his bow before aiming it directly at Ruto's heart.

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