A Hint Of Heihua

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Xiazi enjoyed when he lay down over him like that, saying that he barely weighted a thing, but feeling his body so close, it kind of make his blood pressure raise, as well as something else in both of them.

"Ah, you are so capable Hua'er..." Xiazi whisper back, just before his Master Hua kiss him quite tenderly, making him relax under the soft touch.

"It must have been something related to Wu Xie..."

"Most likely..."

"Did he went into the restaurant?"

"How did you guess so fast?" Xiao Hua asked a bit surprised.

"That's currently the one thing that's threatening Wu Xie's future, more than Fairy Huo."

"It make sense... you truly know him well."

"I have just spend a little more time with him than you. In the past he had always been such a loner, who knew a kid will flip his world upside down so much. Ah... that makes me remember just how devoted Wu Xie also is. Such a fancy gift..."

"Don't pout, there is no need for you to be jealous of him."

"Don't be heartless with your poor lover... I am all beat up by an old man and with my heart broken because I couldn't find something special for you while I went shopping with those bickering idiots."

"Something special?"

"Yeah, you know like what  Wu Xie gifted Yaba Zhang as a token of his love and most likely gratitude for not leaving him behind him this time, yet I couldn't find anything worthy of your refined taste anywhere we went."

"Stupid idiot, you have already give me something..."

"That wood dagger was too rough and simple..."

"It was made by you... what else can you find better than that?"

"I thought of something more elegant and practical..."

"It's handy and practical... what else do I need? I always carry it with me, the same way Zhang Qiling will carry Wu Xie's engraved sword until the end of time." Xiao Hua said softly as he deeply gaze into Xiazi's glasses, seen his own reflection on them.

"You really like it that much?" Xiazi asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Of course."

"Then can you show me how grateful you are for a special handmade gift?" Xiazi suggested as he smiled mischievously.

"Sure... we stink of sweat anyways... let's take a long bath and I will show you how much I like your dagger..." Xiao Hua smiled back quite wickedly and Xiazi laughed, right before he slide from under his lover and out from the couch and started undressing as he walked toward the bath door.

"Hey! Don't mess up the room with the dirty clothes all over!"

"I will take off my glasses... will you rather miss it?" Xiazi asked as he open the door of the bathroom and turned off the light. It goes without saying that Xiao Hua hastily followed his lover and equally undressed halfway to be topless when the door closed behind him and a pair of strong arms grab him.

A kiss follow as Xiazi pull him closer and Xiao Hua simply let Xiazi guide him around the dark room. He only let go of him to light the faint single candle they have for those occasions in where he took off his glasses and as usual, as soon as those jade green eyes looked at him with desire so clearly to see in them, he was turn on immediately.

Xiazi as a whole was beautiful, tall and magnificent, well-tuned and shamelessly sexy when he smiled like that, but those bewitching eyes of his were enchanting and he could never have enough of looking at them, with just the small flicker of a candle.

Thus the foreplay, that never was missing between them started and as they kissed, touched and explored one another, Xiao Hua treasure their unexpected union more than ever. He loved the idiot with a kind of passion that could not be extinguish, not even with the rain of water that fell over him when they went inside the shower, but the contrary.

The warm drops only make his skin heat more under Xiazi's touch, under his fingers, hot lips and tongue that tasted everything down his desirable path. He wasn't the type to moan much, as he was a man of controlled emotions since childhood, but Xiazi was capable to steal a few from him as he explored down his pectorals and grabbed his manhood.

The way Xiazi had learn to push him to the edge by touch alone was the reason, Xiao Hua's fire was so intense and uncontrollable, which make their love making hotter, harder and unpredictable. Nothing was forbidden, nothing was set and it could be either way or none at all, as they didn't love each other in just one way.

"Xiao Hua... you are so damn hot..." Xiao Hua smiled.

"Then you are mine this time..." Xiao Hua whisper as he turned Xiazi to face the wall. His hand grabbed his arousal, as he give his man some small bites on his back, which make Xiazi arch his back in pleasure, putting him closer to his naked chest.

The rest was history, he pleasure himself at the same time he make sure he pleasure Xiazi in turn the way he knew he love it. For him, there was no need for Xiazi to gift him with something fancy that he will probably put in display in a corner. What he wanted for the man could never come from anywhere else than his heart.

This was the pure way he loved Xiazi, even if they keep secrets from one another for one reason or another, their feelings were true and honest always. Even though Xiazi will not always be by his side, as he too deserved his own space for doing his jobs, Xiao Hua will know that Xiazi will always come back to him afterwards.

That night, while they lay on bed cuddling under the covers, Xiao Hua hoped that their journey could go smoothly for both them and Wu Xie's Triangle... but as the night passed, he could not shake away the feeling that maybe that was all his hopeful wishes that reality may crush them at any moment.

"Everything is going to be fine, I got your back..." Xiazi whisper, as he sensed his tension and just like that, Xiao Hua relaxed on Xiazi's warm arms and smiled.

"Right..." He said back, falling asleep. Just a little bit after that.

AN: Most likely a hurricane will hit my island today, so this time I only write a short Heihua chapter, because I have never dive too deep into their relationship, and I may not have electricity during  the day to redo the next episode in full. I need to preserve the PC battery as much as possible, so I may not update until next weekend if nothing too bad happen. Until next time, please take care. 💖 🙏

Ultimate Note: You Are WorthyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt