Opening the door to Shen Yu's room, Shen Yu's father, mother, and brother came inside. Instantly, Jia Ying burst out in tears.

"Xiao Yu." Jia Ying ran to hug him and sob. She misses her baby dearly. She was worried to death that her precious son won't ever wake up again.

"Mother." Shen Yu called out weakly. "Father, big brother."

Hearing Shen Yu's voice, Jia Ying couldn't control herself even more and began to cry even louder.

"Mother, father, and older brother, Sorry. Xiao Yu has been unfilial."

Jia Ying felt her heart ache upon hearing that. "Don't apologize. It was not your fault. It was your father and my fault. If we hadn't arranged that marriage for you then you wouldn't have run away from home, then you wouldn't have been tortured like this. Don't worry, we have already canceled the marriage arrangement between you and Miss Chou. Sorry, Xiao Yu. Can you forgive me and your father?"

"I'm not mad at you guys. I know you guys are just doing this for my good."

Jia Ying really can't control herself. Her baby is way too precious. How can those people hurt her baby like this?

"I have heard about what happen from your brother. So, does that mean that the curse has already been removed, but how?"

From what she remembers, in order to get rid of the curse, Shen Yu has to marry and consummate. However, her son hasn't been married, not to mention about consummate, so how did the curse get removed? She really has no idea thus she can only ask her son.

There is no way Shen Yu would tell anyone about him and Li Feng. He doesn't want to implicate him. Besides, right now Li Feng hates him so much.

Importantly, from now on they have nothing to do with each other since Li Feng has already cut off all the ties they have leaving nothing behind.

"I'm not sure. But, I think the curse did get removed since I no longer have that monster look."

"You are not a monster!" Jia Ying and Shen Xin exclaim at the same time.

"The spiritual flower must have removed it when it came to help Xiao Yu at that time." Shen Xin said.

Shen Yu's family were actually very angry about this matter. They want to attack Yua Ya's father's small sect for wrongly accusing Shen Yu, but with Shen Yu's countless begging, they can only hold themselves back.

They were actually really angry at the Sky sect as well for torturing Shen Yu like this. Yet, they were more angry at the Fire sect, especially that fox Mei, but then right now is not the time to be enemies with the other big sects as they still have to fight off the demons together.

For the sake of the citizen's life, they can only hold back their anger.

Shen Xin then told Shen Yu what happened afterward. Shen Yu was furious knowing that it was Yang Mei who killed Yue Ya. Yue Ya has been treated him very well.

"Can I pay my respects to elder sister, Yue Ya?" Shen Yu asked.

"In a few days, I will accompany you. Her father has taken her body back to their sect to bury her there." Shen Xin told him.

"Thank you, big brother."

"Silly. Why are you thanking me? I am your big brother, of course I will protect my little brother."

Rong Yi was extremely happy when he heard that Shen Yu had woken up. He immediately flew to the Wind sect to visit him. Upon seeing Shen Yu, Rong Yi's heart was beating wildly.

Shen Yu was so beautiful. Now that he has recovered, his pale lips have changed, replaced with his natural red lips which make him look even more beautiful and attractive. It really takes a lot of power for Rong Yi to control himself in front of Shen Yu.

"Xiao Yu, are you still hurt anywhere?" Rong Yi asked worriedly.

"I am much better now." Shen Yu gives him a slight smile.


Rong Yi's heart was going to burst upon seeing that smile. Even though it was just a slight smile, it was enough to make Rong Yi go crazy. 

That smile was so beautiful.


The author has something to say:

Rong Yi: I'm not feeling well

Shen Yu: What happen?

Rong Yi: I'm love sick

Shen Yu: "..."

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