Prologue of book 3 ; three steps back, together

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Third person's pov

Meera's hand was shaking while holding the pen. Eyes filled with tears, she gazed at the papers before her. All these days she nurtured a hope that one day she will win her love back, her Eli back. But today that hope was finally snatched away from her heart. Clenching the pen tighter between her fingers, she recalled the beautiful memories she made with her love, from painful to joyful. Each one held a special place in her heart.

Sniffing she put the pen down without signing the documents. Getting up from the couch, she asked the person whom she loves with all her heart.

"Can you at least let me see the mansion for the last time, Eli? "

Elijah looked at her trying her best to not break down before him. Nodding his head, he allowed her. Everywhere she is going in his mansion which he used to share with her, he followed closely behind, silently watching and observing her. All these past days have been difficult for them both. He had his mind clear though, wanting nothing to do with Meera. He granted her what she desired, and worked hard to get while betraying his love; escape from him. So why doing so his dead heart beated anxiously? All these days it remained dead but why now it came alive calling for the one it flutters?

"Do you remember this is where we had confessed our love? "

Elijah glanced at Meera who was pointing at the floor of their bedroom. He said nothing. His eyes met hers filled with sadness and defeat. All these days they were full of life and hope. And right now they were lifeless. As if the hope took away the reason to live with it. Elijah couldn't handle the weird ache which he didn't feel after that fateful day. Uneasiness filled his body, to avoid it he turned around in the other direction mindlessly.

Meera felt her heart shatter for the umpteenth time since that fateful day. Seeing Elijah turn his head away from her hurt more than she could express. It was all her doing. Her Eli who always stuck to her side was avoiding her like a plaque. She deserves it for hurting him though. And what's happening today is the punishment for her. A righteous punishment. She doesn't deserve him, nor his love. Laughing humourlessly she shook her head.

After roaming the mansion both came back to the hall and sat on the couch facing each other with the glass top classic white table in between. Her eyes stayed glued to her husband who was gazing like he always does, blankly. With no love. Like it vanished in thin air since she betrayed him. All the time before falling in love with him she prayed to God for getting rid of the forceful relationship. Funny, how with each second after falling in love with him, she begged to be with him. Some wishes never come true, they said. So true it is.

Picking up the pen, Meera's eyes again stopped on the papers which will forever separate her from her Eli. Biting her quivering lips, she glanced at Elijah from underneath the lashes. He was as stoic as ever, waiting to get this done and over with. But her on the other hand, never wanted this moment to happen. Can she complain though? She brought them here. Her heart was crying along in pain and agony. She doesn't want to do this. No! She wants to throw the paper or better burn them. Alas, she lost to her love and fate.

Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes mustering the strength to do the unimaginable deed. Not even in wildest dreams, she thought of doing this. But here she is. When her eyes opened, green orbs clashed with the black ones. And like always her heart screamed to run into his arms and never let go. Just once, only once he allows her to be with him, she swears on her life to never betray him again and only love till the last breath. She wants her old Eli back. To stare at her with endless love. She wants to become his possession again. With one last attempt, she asked him, if he said yes everything would be forgotten and she again will pursue him.

"Do you still love me? "

Her eyes expectantly stared at his green orbs to see the answer she desperately wanted. Her ears itched to listen to the magical voice which would take away all her pain. And her heart waited with bated breath to connect with its lost tune which always fluttered its beats. Just one word from him and she would once again sprout the hope that they can be together like before. She waited with anticipation for what felt like an eternity. With drops of tears flowing down from the eyes, she smiled. Smiled in defeat when he said nothing with his face stone cold. No emotions in eyes. She got his answer through the silence. She truly lost her love, her Eli. Choking in a sob, she bit her lip. She lost. She finally lost everything all over again. With heart in the throat, she signed the papers. Tears stained the papers.

Putting the pen down, she gazed at both their signs on the document. Now she is his nothing. Not more than a stranger. She can never call him hers. And she is no more his. Her heart ached excruciatingly in the loss that she was afraid she would die. Keeping the smile on her trembling lips, she stood up looking at Elijah.

"I love you, Eli. I always will "

Without looking back, she walked away from her Eli. Endlessly tears flowed down from the eyes, her heart ached and she felt sick to the stomach for leaving the sacred place of their love forever. Tightening her fists, she took the final step out of the mansion and her Eli's life, wishing him all the luck and happiness of the world in the heart.

Elijah saw Meera going out of the mansion. His heart was beating restlessly. Anxiously his gut clenched. He felt weirdly miserable. He didn't understand why he felt like losing something precious even though it was he who decided this. Shaking his head, he looked at the table. There rested the thing which he designed for his doe. Her wedding and proposal rings. She left it behind along with the divorce papers. She is no more his wife, his doe and his possession. His heart clenched. Everything is over.

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