Chapter 25 Red and lights

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Third person's pov

Beautiful bright lanterns decorated everywhere in the grand mansion of her in-laws, the foyer filled with sparkling lights beside the white golden crystalline chandelier. Meera felt an excitement bubble in her veins. It was her first time attending such extravagant parties. Elijah beside her squeezed her hand and smiled encouragingly at her. Meera smiled back. Through the grand foyer passing by the guests dressed to nines, they entered the great hall where the party was going on. Everything screamed riches, be it the red and black theme decor or the partygoers wearing expensive clothes. It all reeked of money.

The great hall was shining with gleaming, twinkling lights in the dim lighting giving it a warm yet elegant atmosphere. The blood-red roses hung in a detailed pattern on the walls, and edges of the railing of the staircase completely and were suspended artistically from the ceiling. The staircase on the other hand stood luxuriously in the middle of the hall descending the path of the guests from the entrance to the hall which was big enough to fit thousands of people. In the center, a stage was set up to highlight today's occasion, Evelyn's nineteenth birthday, and was written in lovely huge letters 'to Evelyn embracing her nineteenth birthday '.  And besides which, on the stage stood her in-laws greeting the guests with welcoming and happy smiles themselves dressed in red exquisite dress and suit.

Elijah led her to them through the hordes of admiring and mesmerized party attendees struck with the presence of a handsome and powerful businessman dressed in a dark maroon tux who was rare to see and meet in person. Elijah had that effect on people unwantedly and naturally. His aura screamed dominance. Meera unconsciously felt proud to accompany such an ordaining person and be by his side. Elijah pulled her more to himself and held her waist tighter sneering at anyone who even glanced at his doe clearly showing his claim. Meera can only shake her head at his ridiculous possessiveness.

"Oh, darling! You look marvelous"

exclaimed Synthia upon seeing Meera and Elijah. Alexander nodded saying,

"I second that"

"Thank you. You look glorious yourself"

thanked Meera modestly. Elijah hugged his parents warmly and asked kissing Synthia's cheek,

"Where is Eve?"

"She was with her friends. Oh! There is she"

replied Synthia seeing Evelyn accompanied by Xavier coming to them. Elijah engulfed Evelyn in a bear hug smiling happily and wishing,

"Happy Birthday my sweet little twittle Eve!"

Evelyn burst into giggles hearing her brother's adorable wish which he used to say when all three of them were children. Pecking her cheek affectionately, Elijah pulled back grinning. Meera smiled admirably at Elijah who so adorably greeted his sister and his love can be seen in his eyes for Evelyn. Her heart constricted for him when she recalled what Evelyn is really up to and conspiring against Elijah. She admired Elijah for his love towards his family, he is passionate and dedicated to them. She is seeing a new side of him. Different from how she thought and considered him to be, a brooding commanding man.

Evelyn turned towards Meera and launched herself to her hugging tightly and shouting,

"Sister-in-law! You came!"

"Happy Birthday"

Meera wished her, hugging back with a forced smile. She doesn't know but Evelyn always made her uncomfortable. Knowing how she was, Meera disliked Evelyn for pretending to be a good innocent girl who she was not. If not for her plan, Meera would have exposed Evelyn a long time ago. She heard Evelyn whispering in her ear,

"I have a surprise for you"

Frowning, Meera recalled if Evelyn told her anything about it before in plan. She didn't want to deal with anything unnecessary. And considering Evelyn it had to be something erroneous. Grinning mischievously, Evelyn released the hug. Elijah again placed his hand on her waist possessively which did not go unnoticed by his family.

"Oh come on Eli! Stop being a neanderthal on Meera!"

remarked Xavier playfully. Elijah hugged Meera tighter to his side and announced,

"Nothing wrong in showing she is mine"

Xavier smiled toothily at his brother and said to Meera,

"I wish you all the luck in handling him"

Everybody laughed at that. Elijah and Meera glanced at each other smiling affectionately and knowingly. Eros then strolled toward the group and announced his presence,

"My brother is one epitome of possessiveness"

And then he gave a gift box to Evelyn wishing her,

"Happy Birthday baby Eve"

Jumping happily in Eros's arms, Evelyn thanked him. Opening the gift hurriedly, Evelyn gasped upon seeing what it contained, a car key and registered documents,

"A freaking customized pink Ferrari!"

"Wow! I didn't know you loved Eve this much!"

gaped Xavier surprised. Evelyn again hugged him squealing in overjoy. Chuckling Eros hugged her back all too happily. Everybody saw the exchange knowingly and approvingly. Suddenly pulling back, Evelyn shouted at everyone in the group,

"Where is my gift?"

Smiling at her husband, Synthia gestured him forward. Patting Evelyn affectionately on her head, Alexander pulled out an envelope from his suit jacket and handed it to her. Opening it Evelyn again gasped,

"A penthouse in central New York!"

"Happy Birthday daughter"

Evelyn hugged both her parents happily. She then turned to Xavier who annoyed her by saying,

"Here, you little devil! Now you won't disturb me anymore"

Suspiciously Evelyn looked at the small box in her hand handed by her brother Xavie and carefully opened it. She gawked at him flabbergasted and sputtered,

"You just didn't!"

"Oh, I did"

gloated Xavier proudly huffing his chest. Everyone saw what it was and was surprised as well. A game arena was built especially for her in his house along with a racing track. Grinning Evelyn hugged him. Now it was Elijah's turn. Standing in front of him, Evelyn waited. Smirking he handed her a box. She opened it and froze in shock. Gaping at him, Evelyn could only stare in utter surprise. Peeking over her shoulder, Eros saw what surprised her frozen to only widen his eyes at Elijah and squeak out,

"A customized yacht and private jet!"


Meera snapped her head at him in astonishment, he overdid it. And she can't even imagine how much that cost him. She then looked at Evelyn who looked genuinely touched by her brother's gesture. Slowly Evelyn moved toward Elijah and hugged him tightly silently thanking him overwhelmed. Elijah softly hugged her back saying,

"It's nothing. You deserve the world, my princess"

Elijah gently patted her head and pulled back and kissed her forehead. Coming forward Synthia announced,

"Now it's time to the cut cake, birthday girl!"

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