Chapter 7 Lavender

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Third person's pov

They both skipped lunch. Didn't see each other either. Battling with their feelings and emotions. Skipping lunch led to avoiding each other for days. Both felt different. Meera was still anxious and troubled. His avoidance was concerning. He, who never left her alone, has not bothered her for a few days. It gave her bad vibes. At the same time, she was glad and relieved. After the pool incident, she hated him more, and seeing his face made her mad, she just couldn't tolerate him which would have made her do something stupid. Elijah on the other hand was unsettled. With the new unwanted feelings flowing in his body uncontrollably, he did anything possible to rid them, one being avoiding his doe, other reasons aside. Which was very difficult. His every thought was about her. The memories they had together. He hated these feelings. Why it has to grow on him? The time away instead of doing him good, made him crave her and deepen his feelings. The distance grew on him. He wanted her. Badly. These few days were sufferings, without his doe. And seeing her sad and hurt was not good either.

So after much contemplation with himself, he decided to go with the flow, for now, he won't let the honeymoon go to waste. Looking out the glass wall of the lounge room, he looked at the night sky, twinkling with the stars, shining with twilight, and the ocean glowed with the light reflecting on its water. The view was breathtaking. Picking up his phone from beside him on the couch, he dialed the staff who lived behind the forest, whenever he came here they come along. His doe doesn't need to know that. After he was done instructing them, he stood up and headed upstairs where she has cooped up all these days.

She was sitting on the balcony, facing opposite, deep in thought, face gloomy. Ever since that day, it's been the same. He leaned against the balcony door, watching her, who still hasn't looked at him, unaware of his presence. Standing straight after observing her, he sat beside her. Circling her waist, he pulled her to his chest.

Startled, she came out of her stupor when felt a sudden jerk. Turning her face to him, she saw his green eyes observing her with a poker face. She didn't know what to think, after ignoring her what he wanted now, was this all a game of his? She turned her head away, the flashes of her gasping for air in the pool flooded before her eyes, his face always brought that. Sighing, she said nothing, letting him be although his touch made her skin crawl. Any other time she would have slapped his hand away but since the pool incident, she is not herself. It traumatized her, her every thought is about it which will eventually make her walk down memory lane from the moment she met him, and everything she suffered because of him. It hurt her. It made her feel pathetic and weak. The pain was indescribable. It was emotional pain. Physical pain can eventually heal but emotionally, it may never. And she wondered will she ever forget and come out of the emotional pain the devil of her husband inflicted. He was a lion. He knew where to strike to kill. He didn't need to hurt her physically, the sufferance from the emotional hurt was enough to overtake any physical pain. He devilishly attacked where it hurts the most. The battle with herself was tiring and she was exhausted.

Gently tucking a stray strand of hair loosened from her bun, he kissed her forehead. His heart felt serene and calm, her presence and scent engulfing in warm abode. Unsettling tension left his shoulders. Inhaling deeply, he buried his head in her neck.

They both stayed in the same position for a while, he soaking in her calming warmth and she falling deeper into the abyss.

Kissing her neck, which still has his faint markings, he raised his head looking at the side of her face. Holding her chin, he turned her face to his. Her eyes were dull, gone was the shine. Bags underlined her beautiful black orbs. Damned the space! She is mine. Thinking he kissed her unmoving chapped lips. Euphoria ran in his every vein instantly. He kissed her like that was the last time. He didn't care about anything, and kissed and kissed her, for how long, don't know. But every second for her was like an eternity in hell. Pulling back he looked at her downcast eyes. Enough of self-pitying, he wants her to be herself.

Caressing her cheek, he says softly,

"Go get ready in the dress placed on the bed and come down"

With that, he left the room. She didn't have a choice. Like always. It was an order. But her every fiber was screaming at her to not obey. But the thought alone about the consequences brought shivers and flashes of her struggling ran in her body and brain respectively. Not having the energy to avoid consequences, she went to take bath.

Waiting for her in front of the stairs, Elijah was pacing. He didn't know if she will come. But one thing he knew was he will make her come either way, forcefully or willingly. It's her to choose the easier or harder way. He had enough of the space, the distance between them. They both have to come over past events. Hearing the clicking of heels against the marble floor, he looked up. And his breath hitched. Dressed in a lavender knee-length evening dress, which flowed like water with her descending every step of stairs, she came downstairs. Her hair rested on her back freely with no effort. She looked like an angel coming from heaven to him. With no makeup and zero effort to look good, she looked ethereal. He couldn't take his eyes off her. He was awestruck. He felt proud and gloated that she is his, and only his. He felt glad that he claimed her his. The otherworldly beautiful girl was a temptress without her trying to whom anyone was pulled like a bee to honey, moth to the flame. And he didn't want anyone other than him around her. She is his. Only his.

Meera looked strangely at Elijah gawking at her, he was dressed in a lavender tux, looking like a sin, godly handsome when she came towards him. She couldn't deny the warmth she felt to knowing that the greek God was her husband despite herself. The tingling in her stomach made the fact true. She stood in front of him, awkwardly shifting in her feet seeing his gaze fixed on her for quite a time now. She didn't know why. His stare made her conscious of herself, did she look bad? Compared to him, she is not beautiful, and with no effort, she might look too simple right now.

Clearing of the throat brought him back to reality from dreamland. His doe, the angel in lavender, was standing in front of him with head down, frowning. Unable to keep his thought to himself, he blurted out,

"Like an angel"

hearing his dazed voice, Meera looked up at him, transfixed. Frowning in confusion, she asked,


"Angel, you are an angel, indescribably beautiful in this dress"

her cheeks flamed, she couldn't control her bodily reaction hearing his sincere compliment. She felt mushy. Nobody has ever said anything like this to her. The words did their magic, making her blush, even when the devil said that. She didn't bother to compliment back or thank him. If it was anyone other than him, she would have, but not him.

He noticed how her cheeks turned red from his compliment. He felt happy. After a long time. After all these days, happiness was welcomed. And more than that, he made her blush for the first time. It was satisfying. Smirking, he lifted her head and pecked her lips taking her by surprise. He would have kissed her thoroughly but the night is young and he has everything planned out. Holding her waist, he led her towards the beach at the back of the mansion.

"The heavens await you, angel"

he said before opening the back double doors. The view in front of her snatched the land beneath her. Her eyes widened. She was shocked was the understatement of the century.

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