Chapter 4

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Ambareesh's POV:

“What a surprise,” a gentle voice called out, and each man stood straighter when the most beautiful woman I had ever seen stepped forward. Even from where I stood, I could tell she was perfection.

From her wavy, black hair, flawless olive skin, and deep brown eyes, to her perfect hourglass figure. The knee-length white Anarkali she wore hugged each one of her toned curves and, God, her tight ass—fuck. Her lips demanded to be kissed, and my body demanded I have my way with her right then and there.

“My daughter," Aarush chuckles as she locks eyes with me without a second thought.

A sly smile formed on her face, seeing the shock on my face.

She walked up to me and held her hand out,"Chandravati Rathod."

I quickly recover and reached for her hand but before I could shake hands with her, she pulled hers back.

She smirked, whispering,"It looks like you'll enjoy being my subordinate."

"Don't mind my business," she clicks her fingers as I gaped at her, open-mouthed. She's so...pretty.

Aayush stepped forward to see the goddess from heaven. “Damning hell, motherfucking damn,” he said, his mouth dropping open.

“Aayush,” I said, without emotion. The last thing I wanted the Rathods to believe was that we were impressed. Nodding, Aayush returned to the same cold monster I needed at my side. Father met my gaze, telling me he was on the same wavelength as Aayush. If it weren’t for the obnoxiously loud gasping coming from the man beside us, all four of us would have forgotten she was there.

But when I looked closer, I realized who it was they were waterboarding. Alman Ali Khan. The deathly ruler of Maghada.

How the fuck did they get him?

“Alman, as much as I would like to draw this out, I am late for a meeting with my soon-to-be-husband, and I hate being late,” Chandrvati stated and I lock my eyes with her. She's my bride. A tall, dark man stepped forward, holding her jewelry on a white fucking pillow.

“To hell with you and your man. You no good Rathod cunt bitc—” Before he could finish, one of the men who had held him down smashed his fist several times into his face. Yes.

“It’s My Queen or Rani Saheb,” the man said, spitting on him. “Nothing more. Nothing less.”

Chandravati frowned and even that made me hard. She had beautiful lips. “I didn’t want to do this,” she said, putting her earrings in before being handed a knife.

Spitting the blood from his mouth, Alman smiled. “Do it. I’d rather die than talk to you, bitch.” You bloody -

“Who said this was for you?” Chandravati smiled back as two men dragged a sobbing female forward and placed her on a chair in front of the scum. Alman’s eyes widened as he looked at her.

“The Raos' don’t know about your special friend, do they? They aren’t big on you fucking women outside the ones they offer you. You tried really hard to keep her a secret,” she said, walking behind him.

It made my blood boil at how close she was to him.

“Did you know she’s pregnant?” Chandravati asked, causing the girl to hold on to her flat stomach and sob even louder. “Two lives saved if you just tell me what I want to know.” She positioned her weapon.

He didn’t say a word, even as the girl begged him.

“So this is your answer then, Alman?” Chandravati asked slowly. “I will kill her.”

He still did not speak.

Sighing, she stabbed not once, not twice, but repeatedly, only stopping when the girl’s lifeless body fell from the chair. I flinched.

She didn’t even flinch. Instead, she walked toward the girl and emptied the rest of her clip into the body. When she was done, she turned back to the now blood-spattered Alman who sat wide-eyed and shaken. This must have happened often, because her men went to work, carrying the body and cleaning up the blood on the ground, which hadn’t touched her. They brought a new blood-free chair for her to sit on and handed her a pair of sandles.

All of which happened in a matter of seconds. They moved like the military.

“Does it make me a hypocrite if I still consider myself pro-life?” She didn’t even blink as she stepped into her white shoes.

“She’s just as fucking merciless as you are,” Aayush uttered in disbelief.

In a single moment, though, she had gone against everything I ever believed. This was not the role I wanted my future wife to play. She was too beautiful for the blood and the darkness. She should be upstairs, flipping through scrolls and making her hair and smiling at everyone and anyone, or waiting in our bed for me to have her. This could not stand, and this would not be her role. I was to become the Ruler and the King of Mewar. She was to stand at my side so the Rathods would fall in line.

Not that I could deny how sexy I found it. My mind hated this . . . saw the danger in this . . . but my body lusted after it painfully. My cock throbbed for her. Ekansh snickered to my right. “Right now, you wish the biggest thing you had to deal with was a charity junkie for a wife.”

I couldn’t agree more. I would have to fix this situation and fast.

“Everyone out!” I roared, making every last one of the inhabitants of the room look at me as though I had lost my mind. The eyes that shined with the most rage were those of my beautiful, soon-to-be wife. Oh well, this would be her first lesson.

There was one Boss, only one King, one ruler and it was not her.


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Word Count - 1001

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