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Monday arrived and your so excited to finally get to go to school on your own car after waiting for this chance for so long. You start the engine and took a deep breath before driving away. After driving for about 30 minutes you reach your school and parked your car at the parking lot which was meant for students to park their vehicles. You notice Jungkooks car and there was a space beside his car so you parked it there and after your done you exit the car making sure to lock it before you left the place to enter your school campus which was filled with students already.
"Y/n!!" You heard someone calling you so you turn around to face the owner of the voice and it was one of your friend Sora.
"Heyy good morning!" She greets you and you greet her back.
"You know what I heard rumours that Sangjun complain about Jungkook to the principal that he beat him till he broke his nose is it true?" You look at her with wide eyes as soon as you heard this.
"What!? Like yes Jungkook punched him since he was sexually harassing me but it wasn't till he broke him nose so how could he complain when he was the one who's at fault for touching me without my consent and Jungkook was just saving me from him!"
"That bastard harrassed you!!? I knew it that Jungkook would never beat someone without any reason and now he's being accused for that.."
"Where is Jungkook now?!" You asked her not caring about anything else...what if he's somewhat in trouble because of that asshole.
"I saw him heading towards the principal office earlier before you arrive so I guess he's there now.."
"Okay Sora I'll talk to you later bye!" And you ran from there before Sora could even say anything.

You reach the principal office after running all the way here and you took a deep breath before knocking on the door. Turns out that the principal himself open it causing you to bow immediately on seeing him.
"Oh Y/n your here.. I was just about to tell the your classmates to send you here but anyways come in since you've here now we've got some issues to solve" you follow him inside and saw Jungkook sitting on the chair with his legs joined together looking quite nervous and on the other chair sat Sangjun who's face, cheeks and nose was plastered with bandages. Your blood boiled on seeing him.
"So Y/n you tell me what exactly happened between you three-" the Jerk cut him off.
"Sir he beat me up this badly he should be punished-" and now you are the one to cut his words.
"You sexually harrassed me and if Jungkook didn't come there you would have rape me yet you still have the audacity to complain over the small wounds which is nothing compared to what you did to me and Jungkook as well as the other students you bullied!" Sangjun's eyes widen and was about to protest but the principal beats him.
"You harrassed a girl and bullied the students!?"
"Sir I-"
"Enough Sangjun I've heard enough from you and these are the things that I cannot allow to happen in my school! So you are suspended and will come only to write the exams and if things continue even after this then you'll be expelled from school!"

Serves him right. Sangjun open his mouth to say something but close it again realising that he got nothing more to say. He stood up from his seat and exit the place without saying a word slamming the door shut as he walk out.
"Y/n you could have complain about all these things but you kept quiet and Jungkook you also raised your hand on him so I'll have to suspend you for a week... therefore from now on I request you to report if any such things happen or if you're a victim in order to prevent these things from harming not only you but the other students too so don't be afraid okay?"
"Yes sir..." You both answer at the same time.
"Good now you may leave... Jungkook your suspension starts from tomorrow, today you may attend your classes" the principal informs and you look at Jungkook feeling guilty since it's not his fault yet he has to face this for the very first time in his life. He's a good and bright student so everyone was shock on hearing the news about his suspension from school.
"Kook I'm sorry.." he looks at you with confusion written on his face not knowing what your saying sorry for.
"For what?"
"It's because of me your being suspended.. I should have been more careful around him but I-"
"No. It's not your fault it's his..he doesn't know what respect is anymore so don't blame yourself about this suspension okay? what matters is that your save and that jerk got what he deserves"
You look at him with teary eyes and then engulfed him in a tight hug which startled him but yet he hugs you back.
"I don't know what I would do without you Jungkook... I'm so happy that your still here for me even after what happened between us..." He caressed your head softly as you continue to hug him. His heart hurts as you mentioned the incident that once separated the two of you and he felt weird because of that topic.
"It's-its fine... I respect your feelings and I won't leave you because of that as I said all those time.."

You look up at him and you can feel your heart beating so fast as well as his. You know that you've moved on from Yunho since it's been almost a month that he left and even when you text him you just don't feel those butterflies anymore and the way you chat is so dull seems like he already lost interest also not to forget that you saw him posting alot of pictures with some girls in the club or parties which shows that he really forget about you quickly so why would you hung on to him when he's clearly enjoying his time and also you ended things on good terms so you have no right to complain about him moving on so quickly instead you should do that too. So now you're actually trying to figure out whether you really like this guy infront of you who has been with you through thick and thin. You know you don't deserve him after you literally rejected him and broke his pure heart but everyone deserves a second chance right?
"I actually wanted to say-" and the bell rings indicating that it's time for classes to start. Great the bell ruin everything.
"Koo let's hang out later at my house... I've got something to tell you.." you pull out from the hug and felt shy all of a sudden as he stares at you.
"Sure I would love to.." you smile then start walking towards your classroom together.

Your ears perk up upon hearing the doorbell ringing indicating that he's here. Your parents won't be home till 9 so your alone and was doing alot of thinking when you were alone just now. You open the door with a smile on your face,seeing him here is somehow making you nervous but you still smile to hide your nervousness.
"Hi.." he greets you and you move aside for him to enter. You close the door then follow him from behind as you start thinking again making you look lost. Jungkook notice that your in deep thoughts even when you are walking and he gulps thinking that you will start telling him things that he doesn't want to hear.
"Jungkook let me get straight to the point..." He's sweating now on hearing the seriousness in your voice and the jacket he's wearing is not helping him at all. He has no clue about what your about to say...Is he being clingy again? Is it because he stares at you and that makes you uncomfortable? Or is his new dressing sense making him look ugly? He decided to upgrade his dressing sense today.. it's just skinny jeans with a jacket on top of his white shirt... maybe this outfit is making him look bad especially his thighs which he's really insecure about-
"I've been thinking about this alot and..... I just ahh realised that I.... I um like you Jungkook..more than a friend or b-brother"  there you said it with so much stuttering and blushing now it's up to him to believe you or not. You finally look at him to see his reaction since you avoided eye contact during your confession and you notice his eyes were wide looking like they'll pop out of their socket. His lips parted and the only that came out of his mouth is...


And he passed out due to shock and sweating alot.



Finally Y/n opened her eyes and realise that her prince charming is right in front of her all the time 🤧
Jungkookie is too shock on hearing the good news thus he passed out
My poor baby🥺
Anyways Happy Reading 💜✨

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