"you weren't in bed when i woke up" i mumble, putting my arms around lilith's neck. she chuckles, her lips connecting with mine.

"my apologies my dear, i had to start putting together the furniture. but i'm my defense i stayed in bed for an hour before i got up"

i only smile, before bringing her lips back to mine. what i've noticed about her is how much she kisses me, she's always kissing me. and i fucking love it.

"you're so pretty" she breaks the kiss, but kisses my forehead before waking back to what she was doing. "and you look so cute in my clothes"

a small blush finds my cheek, after i woke up today, the first thing i did was put on one of her hoodies. they're so big, and so soft.

but that was the only thing i did, before walking into the kitchen. meaning this hoodie is also the only thing i'm wearing.

"try the couch out, see if it's soft enough" she smiles at me, continuing to put up the table. with a smile on my lips, i make my way over to the couch.

the floor is full of empty boxes, and plastic from the furniture. the couch is a soft beige color, and when i sit down it feels like all my problems are vanished.

this is the softest, most comfortable couch i've ever sat on. my head falls back against the pillows, a smile on my lips.

"this is perfect, i know you don't like watching movies. but we're gonna watch so many movies while sitting here"

i look up at her, seeing that she's already looking at me with the biggest smile on her lips. "i'll just give you something to keep your hands busy" i shrug, getting off the couch.

when i get up to walk to her, i notice that she's done with the table. it's in a deep brown shade, with a shelf under it.

she stands up as well, but when i walk up to her she lifts me up by my thighs. making a small giggle come out of me, as she spins us around.

"you're so fucking beautiful and precious. and now i get to keep you all to myself" lilith kisses down my neck, making me grab onto her hair.

"all to yourself huh?" she only hums, sucking slightly on my neck. my legs tighten around her waist, keeping myself close to her.

"as much as i want to get lost in you right now, we need to do stuff today, go get dressed princess" she lets me down, although she makes sure to kiss me a good 10 seconds before letting me go.

"what do we need to do?" i ask, putting my arms around her neck, not letting her go. "groceries, and we need a tv, and more furniture my dear"

"can we get one for our room too? like a tv?" she smiles at me, her smile is always so beautiful. makes my knees weaken.

"of course we can, we'll get anything you want"

i bite my lip slightly, "when do you start work again?" her hands hold my waist, bringing me closer to her.

"tomorrow, i was going to tell you sooner, but i lost track of time," she smirks, leaving a kiss on my forehead.

i tilt my head up, giving her lips a quick kiss. "i'll be right back, then we can do whatever the fuck we need to" she only chuckled, smacking my ass before walking away.

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