Voice Your Frustration

Start from the beginning

"Bold of you to assume it's always you who pisses me off" I snapped unexpectedly and I found my eyes widening as did his.

"Woah" he chuckled and dropped his pen down "Who was it?"

"Wouldn't you like to know" I sighed and slumped down on one of the chairs before his desk.

"C'mon" he said and walked around his desk to lean on the edge in front of me "Who's neck must I snap?"

"Snap?" My eyes widened again "No, no. Please do not hurt anyone on my accord"

"Honey" he sighed and ran his hands down the leg of his pants "Who upset you?"

"Well, it's not you this time" I sighed and looked up at him "It's just something Martha said and it's really getting to me"

"Martha he rose an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest "I don't have to fire her not even an hour into her first day, do I?"

"No" I groaned "It's not her... it's what she said about Vivian! I find it absolutely ridiculous that even from so far away, she's managed to find a way into my head and put my mood in the gutter. She doesn't even work here anymore, she can't possibly touch me yet she makes me feel as though I need to kick someone"

"Yeah?" He smirked and crouched down to my level "What did she say?"

"Apparently she's told everyone that I'm unpleasant!" I said and as I explained everything else, I hadn't even notice Draco place his hands on my bare knee's, slowly reaching higher with every word I said "I'm not unpleasant, am I? I try my hardest to treat everyone so fairly"

"Hmm" he hummed and nodded his head slightly, looking in my eyes as he his hands moved.

"I've been told that I make people smile with my—Draco, what are you doing?" I said as I finally noticed his hands as they disappeared beneath my skirt.

"What?" He blinked his eyes up at me and stopped his hands.

"I'm trying to talk to you!" I frowned and crossed my arms, pouring like a child.

"And I'm listening" he smiled and traced his hands over my inner thighs "Keep going. You were saying about making people smile..."

"How am I supposed to concentrate?" I asked as I smoothed my hands down the arm rests of the chair.

"Talk, Honey" He said and my cheeks blew red.

"Uh—okay" I chuckled and cleared my throat "I've been told I make people smile with my attitude and my—oh gods" I cut myself off with a deep sigh as his knuckles brushed over my clothed clit "A-And my... personality"

"Good girl" he smiled as he leant down to kiss my knee "Keep going"

"I-It makes me so m-mad when people like—shit—Vivian can say and d-do as they please with little regard of who they hurt in the process" I tried my best to stay focused and keeping talking but his touch against me was making my head spin "Must I keep talking?"

"I like the sound of your pretty little voice" he whispered and pressed down on my clit. I squirmed in the seat and squeezed my thighs together but he just tore them apart again "Your accent drives me crazy"

"Draco, I can't—mm" I closed my eyes and clutched tightly onto the arm rests.

"You can't..." he teased, moving his fingers so slow yet just the right amount of pressure "Can't what, darling? Speak up so I can hear you"

"Draco, please just—" I moaned as his fingers sped up slightly "Can you do something?"

"But I am doing something" he smirked.

"Remember when I said I feel like I need to kick someone?" I asked, trying my best not to focus entirely on his touch.


"That someone will be you" I said as I reached my leg up and pushed his shoulder back with my shoe. He dropped his hands away, finally allowing me to sit up straight "If you do not do something more"

He laughed and stood up, reaching his hand down for me to take. I took it immediately and with little effort, he helped me stand to my feet.

"I have work to do, remember?" He smiled and reached his hands up to cup my face.

"You're a bastard" I frowned and pushed his chest back "Right now, you are the one pissing me off. Forget about Vivian, I—"

He cut me off as he pressed his lips against mine. I closed my eyes and leant into his touch for a moment before I frowned again and pulled away.

"I hate you"

And Can anyone guess what the next chapter will contain? ;)

Word count 1369.

Word count 1369

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Honey; Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now