Pumpkin Spice

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Honey Ilona

It has been about a month.

A month working at Malfoy CO. and let's just say that it hadn't got any easier.

I was still making small mistakes and Mr Malfoy's attitude towards me had not changed one bit. If anything, he was now more ignorant.

But on the other hand, I had gotten insanely closer to Bree and Sebastian. When I had the time to relax, I spent it with them at their office or them at my desk.

I had gotten to know Sebastian more and the small fascination had turned into a school girl crush. My eyes lit up with each word he said and my smile would instantly widen when he walked into the room.

He was kind, asked me about my day and had the decency to invite me out to places—which I never attended, I couldn't.

My Malfoy was running me into an early grave.

I hadn't seen my mother in two weeks, I had been too busy every time she had stopped by and eventually she had stopped coming and waited for me to invite her instead.

Today I was let off early since it was Halloween and I vowed that I would ask my mother over to watch a few movies like we always did.

"But he's really nice. Y'know, he opened the car door for me when I got in and out? A real gentlemen, I didn't even know they existed anymore" Bree laughed as she popped a small cherry tomato in her mouth.

"Hey—I'm a gentlemen!" Sebastian crossed his arms with a small child like pout as he leant back in his seat.

"Last time I got in the car with you, you closed the door on my ankle. I had to get stitches" Bree said in a bored expression as she gave Sebastian a stern look.

"It's not my fault you can't get into the car properly" he mumbled with a roll of his eyes.

I burst into laughter at his expression and pushed my cup of water aside.

"Anyways, plans for tonight?" Bree asked excitedly. She had told me that Halloween was one of her favourite holidays and she had been boosting about it all week.

"Taking my little sister to a pumpkin patch" Sebastian smiled "She's never been and hasn't been out of the house in weeks, too wrapped up in her studies so I'm taking her out"

"That's so nice of you" I smiled. He laughed and gave me a small wink. I pulled my head down and blushed again, like every time he looked at me.

"Cute!" Bree clapped "Honey?"

"Oh, I'm just gonna watch some movies with mum. It's always been a calm day for us" I shrugged.

"Well, I'm going out with him again—"

"Ilona" my structure stiffened at my name, turning my head slowly to see Mr Malfoy leant on the door frame of the kitchen entrance. The usual emotionless expression on his face.

I sighed and stood up "That's me" I chuckled "I'll see you two tomorrow. Have fun with your plans" I picked up my cup of water and tipped the rest down the sink before making my way towards Mr Malfoy.

Over the last month, I had found him more easier to approach. Sure, he was still an asshole to me but I figured that I'd got used to it because it didn't matter how I treated him, he would always treat me the same.

"Mr Malfoy" I smiled, stopping in front of him.

"I need you to come back from break now " he said "We have work" before I got the chance to protest, he walked away and out of my sight.

Honey; Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now