Home Not Alone

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*Viewer discretion is advised*

Honey Ilona

So here I sat at home.

Curled up on the couch in a fluffy King sized blanket and Alena perched up on my lap. I didn't really watch was on TV, I sort of just looked at the shapes and colours move without really understanding what was going on.

Like babies.

Merlin, I wish I was an innocent, problem free, little baby.

It's been 4 hours since I left work and what I wouldn't do to go back. There was indeed where all my problems lie, but I thought, maybe if I just rejected both of them, my life would go back to normal.

But, I couldn't do that. It didn't feel right. I had feelings, I knew that for sure and the real problem was I didn't know for who. I lean towards Sebastian then my mind twists and all it was, was a drunk kiss.

I lean towards Draco and I get so insecure. I don't know what he wants from me, I'm not the same as the other girls he's been with. What does he see in me?

I'm not usually like this. I'm never like this.

I'm not insecure and unsure. I like my smile and I'm happy with myself, but at the moment, I just wanna disappear.

It shouldn't be like this. I'm 20 and driving myself mad over two men.

Speaking off.

A knock on my apartment door snapped me out of my gaze upon the TV. I didn't have the energy to move so with a nod they couldn't see and a verbal confirmation, the handle twisted and the door opened.

In walked Draco.

I sighed out heavily, not giving a care if he noticed.

"Honey" his voice was tired, deep and full of the same loss of Englert I felt.

I know, it's exhausting.

I gave him a short smile and indicated he could enter further to make himself comfortable.

He took the hint and closed the dori behind him before walking towards the recliner on the right side of the room and took a seat.

We sat in a silence for a brief moment. Alena's sleepy snores and the background TV provided the only noise accompanying us in the thick tension.

"I don't know what I'm doing" until he finally spoke "I-I don't know why and I don't fucking know how" He chucked to look lighten the mood but was unsuccessful "But, what I do know is what I want and for some reason, it's you"

His words caught me the slightest bit off guard. What happened between us, I would of thought was a blow of steam—maybe something to snap him from the way he was feeling. That's why all this was so hard, I didn't have the courage to talk and understand either of them.

I couldn't ask why he wanted me because he didn't know. Did I even wanna know?

"Well?" He rose an eye brow at me "Say something so it's not incredible awkward in this room"

"I don't know either" I started with "I don't know how to feel because—" I hesitated. This was a mistake, it's a mistake "I don't know how to fee because you're not the only one, Draco"

I closed my eyes to shield myself from his reaction but even then, I could sense the obviously uncomfortable shift made in his chair.

"Not the only one?" His tone differed. I couldn't pin the way it sounded. It's like he was angry? Maybe upset? "Who the fuck is the other?"

Honey; Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now