Sweet Like Honey

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Because I wanted to 🤷‍♀️

Honey Ilona

"What do you think, Alena? up or down" I asked the small pug laying lazily over my messy sheets as I scooped my curls into my hands, brushing them through my fingers as I smiled at myself in the mirror. Alena let out a small bark and rolled over onto my pilliow "Down it is" I nodded with a small giggle as I dropped my hands to my side, letting my hair fall over my shoulders.

I pulled out the chair I was sitting on and opened the small draw before me, picking out two small hair clips in the shape of a bumblebee. These were my favourites, my dad always told me that the bumblebee symbolize's brightness and personal power along with spiritually meaning health and vitality.

He got me these clips when I was sixteen, going through one of the hardest parts in my life, he told me to 'Enjoy the honey of life, the sweet moments and the rewards of your efforts, never ponder on whats bad. Live in the good'

it was one of the moments that I would treasure forever.

"Honey! you have to leave in 20 mintues!"

"Coming, mum!" I shouted back, pushing my fringe up and pinning it to the side of my head with the clips. I looked to my right and noticed it was raining outside and that made me smile.

I loved the rainy weather, the puddles, the smell, the beautiful patterns the water drops would make on my window, the sound against my roof. It made me feel safe and comfortable.

And I also got to wear my rain boots.

I jumped up from my seat and skipped over to my wardrobe, pushing open the door and bent over to grab my yellow rubber boots. I stepped back, stumbling over onto the chair so I could slip on my boots.

I smiled and stood up, looking up at my self in the mirror. My yellow and white long sleeved stripped shirt, a yellow skirt with my black tights underneath, matched with my yellow boots and rain coat.

Ok, maybe it was a little too much yellow but it made me happy, it was my favourite colour.

I untangle my back pack from the back of my chair and tossed it over my shoulders.

"C'mon Alena" I patted my lap and gestured for the small dog to follow me. I grabbed my wand from my desk and slipped it into the pocket of my rain coat before making my way downstairs.

"Morning, amour" my mother smiled, standing behind the small kitchen counter of my little apartment. I had moved out when I was 18, using the money my dad had left me when he died and bought a small apartment on the quiet side of London.

My mother practically lived here. She had a house of here own but she said it was too big, too silent without me and my brothers noise, without my fathers banter. She missed him terribly and it broke my heart to see how she tried to fill her day with as much as possible to kept herself out of the house.

"Morning, mama" I smiled and reached over the counter to kiss her cheek.

"You look cute" she smiled and leant into my touch "It's very..." she looked me up and down as I stepped back "Yellow. I love you and you may wear whatever you want, amour, but don't you think it's a little...outgoing?"

"Outgoing is exactly what I'm going for, ma" I smiled, packing the lunch she had made me into my bag.

"Brilliant" She giggled "So, first day of the new job, how are you feeling? It's in the middle of a muggle town, must be daunting"

"I'm feeling ok" I nodded confidently "A bit nervous at the fact that I know no one but Bree and she works on the other side of the building" I bit my lip and zipped up my bag, focusing on not getting my hair stuck in the zipper.

Honey; Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now