Over As Fast As It Begun

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This chapter... lol.

Honey Ilona

"You did what!?" Bree screamed, slapping her hands over her mouth and dropping the empty plastic coffee mug in her hand "Honey—you are joking!?"

"Shhh" I scolded and gave her a stern look "I told you, not the whole of the lunch room" I said as I looked around at a few people staring at us from Bree's shout.

"I'm sorry—I'm sorry" she hushed herself and took a deep breath "But like what the fuck? That's—Uh—unexpected"

"Tell me about it" I rolled my eyes and continued to mix the coffee I was currently making for Draco.

"So, what does this mean?"

Today I walked into work, having no intention of mentioning anything until I saw Bree by herself, looking unbothered by anything as always and it just came out. It wasn't formal, it didn't stall—I just came out and said it.

I'd had it bottled up for so long, even before we slept together two days ago—it was eating me.

But now, I'm not so sure it was a good idea.

"I don't know" I shrugged and tugged the lip over the plastic coffee cup.

"You slept with him and didn't ask what it meant?" She rose an eyebrow as if it was obvious I should of asked.

"Well, after he kinda... left" After Draco and I had done what we did, still out of breath... he left. He didn't say anything and just left.

I figured he had somewhere to be or needed to get his head straight.

As did I.

"He left?" She scrunched her face up "You're kidding, how rude" she scoffed.

"Maybe he was confused" I shrugged as I picked up the coffee cup and started to leave the room. Bree scoffed and followed close behind.

"Confused? If he was confused, he wouldn't of done it in the first place" she noted.

"I don't know what goes on in that man's mind" I said "He's hard to read, like a paragraph on Trigonometry"

"I'm actually good at Trigonometry" Bree wondered off in her own thoughts for a second before pulling herself back into the conversation "Well, talk to him. You're at work but no better time then now, right?"

"Maybe" I said, knowing damn well I wasn't going too "Anyways this is me" I smiled and stopped outside his office.

"See ya" she smiled "Come see me at you break!" She demanded with a smile before turning on her heel and leaving.

When I saw she was out of sight, I exhaled a deep breath. It felt good to tell someone but now I felt guilty. What if she tells Sebastian and I'm stuck in some sort of messed up love triangle? I feel bad that I had told her and not him but I didn't exactly kiss Bree.

Maybe Sebastian didn't even remember our kiss? I would know if I grew the courage to actually approach him and speak.

But I couldn't. Not after I slept with Draco. It would end up spilling and I couldn't handle that right now.

Turning around, I faced his closed door and prepared myself to knock.

There was no answer at first and I knew he was in there so it was either that he was in the bathroom or on the phone, either I could wait for him to finish.

So, I pushed open the door and walked in. Expectedly, I saw he wasn't in his chair. I looked to my left and saw his bathroom door occupied.

I shrugged and sat myself down on the couch to the left of the door behind the wall so he wouldn't see me unless he hooked around and towards his desk.

Honey; Draco Malfoy Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя