Just let me adore you (Again)

Start from the beginning

Once he got to the stadium, he pulled his hood over his head and walked toward the back of the building. Surprisingly to him, the security let him in after he showed them his ID, once he was in he walked around backstage quickly finding Harry's dressing room. 

Louis did his knock that he would always do when he would come and say hi to Harry before the younger went on stage. After a few seconds, the door flung open and he was yanked into the small room. "What the fuck do you think you're doing here? I told you not to contact me in any way ever again!" he screamed, after the smaller did say anything, he yelled again, "Louis, answer me!" 

Louis gave him a small sad smile, "I know you did, but I miss you, I've stopped drinking, I swear on my life, Harry. You can even ask Liam, Niall, and Zayn, they've helped me stop drinking, I've been alcohol-free for three and a half years. Harry please, I still love you, I want to try again, p-please I need you. You and my mum were my biggest supporters now I don't have either of you... she's died Harry, she's gone, but you're still here and I want you back in my life, please,"

Harry shook his head with a cold, emotionless face, "No, I said I was done. I'm with Olivia now, and I love her. You had multiple chances years ago, and you couldn't stop, I was done then and I'm still done now. I want you to leave and never talk to me again, I have to go on stage, goodbye Louis," He pushed past Louis and walked out of the dressing room.

Louis left the stadium in tears, he walked back to his car before starting it and driving away as quickly as he could. 

He grabbed his phone and dial Harry's number, he knew the younger wouldn't pick up but he wanted to leave one last message. "Harry, I know you don't believe me but I've stopped drinking. I can't go on like this any longer. I'm done with this world, with my life. Goodbye Harry... I love you," he said before speeding up as he sobbed and took a sharp turn, crashing his car into a big tree. 


The concert was now over, and Harry returned to his dressing room, changing his clothes before grabbing his phone and unlocking it. He saw a new voicemail, from Louis' number, Harry's eyebrows furrowed but he decided to listen to the message anyway. 

"Harry, I know you don't believe me but I've stopped drinking. I can't go on like this any longer. I'm done with this world, with my life. Goodbye Harry... I love you," 

Harry heard sobbing and the screeching of tires before he heard a loud crash, after that, the line went dead. Olivia came in and saw the complete terror on his face, "Babe, what's wrong?" a tear slipped down his cheek, "I just made a terrible mistake, I need to go," Olivia grabbed his hand. "I'm coming with you," Harry shook his head and dropped her hand, "No, I'm sorry to do this but I need to be honest with you. I never loved you, I only started dating you to get my mind off of Louis. Olivia, I'm sorry but it's over,"  

Harry left the dressing room and ran out to his car before he started driving to the nearest hospital, as he continued to drive he found Louis' car that was crashed into a tree. Harry let out a sob, "Please don't let it be too late," he whispered as he started driving faster. Once he made it to the hospital, he killed the engine, got out of the car, and ran into the hospital.

"I'm looking for Louis Tomlinson," he told the nurse out of breath at the front desk, "Who is he to you?" Harry sighed, "My boyfriend," he lied. She nodded, "He's in the OR right now but he should be out soon, would you like me to show you to the OR's waiting room?" Harry nodded.

Once he was in the waiting room, he started silently crying, "Please, please, please be okay, Lou," he murmured with his head in his hands.


After waiting about thirty minutes, a doctor came through the door, "Mr. Styles?" he asked, Harry quickly stood up and walked over to the doctor. "Is he okay?!" Harry asked with tears in his eyes, the doctor nodded, "Yes, his surgery went great, and now he's waking up. Would you like to see him?" Harry nodded frantically and the doctor turned and waved at the younger to follow.

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