Chapter 40

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When Rayne woke, Liam was already gone, with a note on the pillow.

Elskede mín,

I will be gone most of the day. I'm just a thought away if you need me. If you will allow me, I would love to spend the evening with you at the lake.

All my love,


Rayne smiled to herself, "Hmmm, well what should I do with myself today?" she mused out loud.

"How about a guest list?" her mother asked from the doorway. "I need to know who you are planning to invite so I can make preparations." She smiled at Rayne, "We wouldn't want to offend anyone."

Rayne laughed softly, "I guess it is getting a bit close. Um, mother?" she paused, "How do you send an invitation to a Goddess?"

Nimuë laughed, "I think we can figure that out." She held her hand out to Rayne. "Have I told you how happy I am for you lately?" Rayne hugged her mother. "Okay, so who's coming?"

Rayne sighed, "Well, it's a fairly short list. I want to invite Maab, Kalli, Cailleach and, if possible, Grandma and my father. I'm not sure if Liam has a list," she hesitated, "I believe he would like to invite Hel, but I think he might be afraid to ask."

"Hmmm, that is a short list," her mother nodded. "Am I to assume the palace residents and your father's family are welcome to attend?"

Rayne shook her head, "I guess I just assumed they would all be in attendance since the ceremony is before the ritual." Rayne was looking out the window, and then turned to her mother, "Will you perform the handfasting?" She saw the pleased look in her mother's eyes and stepped toward her. "I know how many responsibilities you have, but it would mean the world to both of us."

"I would be honored," Nimuë replied. They spent the remainder of the morning discussing the details of the ceremony. Rayne had reached out to get the guests Liam wanted as well. Just like her, his list was short - Hel, Angrboða, Odin, and possibly his wife. Using a few incantations, Rayne created magical invitations, and Maab taught her a spell to send them using beams of light. The spell allowed the recipient to receive their invitation no matter what realm they were in.

Once the invitations were completed, the three went to the gardens to have lunch. Nimuë noticed Rayne fidgeting with her glass, "What troubles you?" she asked gently.

Rayne looked up from her own thoughts, "Well, I've been wondering, um, could I invite my grandfather? I know I've never met him, and he doesn't know me, but I just feel like I should." She nervously waited for her mother's response.

"Maab, will you help her send the invitation?" Nimuë asked, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a few matters to attend to today." She quickly got up and left.

Rayne sighed, "I didn't mean to upset her," she said softly, looking at Maab. "We don't have to send the invite. I don't want to cause her grief."

Maab stood and moved to the chair next to Rayne, "You did nothing wrong, child. When folks live as long as we do around here, feelings are bound to get hurt. Your mother's relationship with Merlin is complicated. It was awkward long before you were born." She had a far-off look as she continued, "Parents often have plans for their children, and when Nimuë was selected as The Morrigan, well, let's just say that wasn't the path Merlin wanted for her. Not to mention, the man was always busy with his own "destiny" issues. He wasn't very present in her life."

The old queen patted Rayne's hand. "Do me a favor, before we send the invite, talk to your grandmother. If Rebecca is okay with inviting him, then we will." Rayne nodded her head in agreement. She knew her request had been rash, and seeking grandma's advice did seem logical. "Now, I need to go as well. I have some unruly fae to deal with. This blasted Sabbat makes everyone a bit crazy." she laughed. Rayne smiled and tried not to giggle, remembering Liam's lust spell and his desire to trick Maab. The queen did not notice her giggle and left for the training fields.

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