Chapter 22

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Rayne heard a splashing sound and slowly opened her eyes to see water dripping on rocks from stalactites. She was in some sort of cavern. She had returned to her human form and sat up on the rock looking around. She saw no one. How long have I been here, she wondered. "Only a moment for the living, but an eternity for the dead, my precious one." Rayne turned, she knew that voice - Grandma!

"Grandma, is it really you, or some trick of the desperate souls?" Rayne asked hesitating to embrace the woman before her. Her tears filled her eyes so quickly.

"It is her, Rayne," Cailleach said, coming from a dark cavern. "She is who you need. I was merely the transportation. Rebecca, I will return to your daughter and put her mind at ease. That God of yours too, before he tears the whole place down. That one has a temper!" She sped away, her ragged gown seeming to fly behind her. Rayne's grandmother came closer and reached out to hug her.

Rayne felt her arms and smelled that familiar fragrance of wildflowers in the summer. She put her arms around her grandmother and sobbed. After a few moments had passed, she spoke up, "How, why are you here? I've missed you so much!" Rayne sniffled between words.

Her grandmother snatched a handkerchief out of mid-air, "Here Rayne, blow your nose. No sense blowing snot bubbles everywhere," she teased. "Just cause I'm dead doesn't mean you can forget your manners, little miss."

"Yes, grandma." Rayne blushed and blew her nose, then made the handkerchief disappear. "So why are you here? I thought I was coming to find out about my desiccation power?" Rayne asked.

"You are. I'm the one that accidentally gave the power to you, so I'm the one to help you understand it." Her grandmother stated rather matter of factly. "When you found that revenant, it almost killed you, but you see, dear, it was my revenant. I had placed it there to protect us. I'd told you to stay away from that field, but you were lost in your game and stepped in anyways. The creature recognized my blood in you and tried to kill you to escape." She paused for a moment to let Rayne process what she was saying. "My spell attached to you accidentally. You are flesh and blood, but you possess the power of a revenant within you. No living witch has ever had this gift, only Goddesses and Gods are strong enough to wield it. When a witch creates a revenant, it is for a short time. The magic is so strong that it eventually burns the being out." She held Rayne's hands and gave them a squeeze, "I'm sorry for giving you this burden, my precious one, but it appears it may be what you need to defeat Eris."

Rayne shook her head, "I'm alive, but I carry death inside me?" Her grandmother hung her head and nodded. A sudden thought crossed her mind, and her expression darkened, "Grandma, does that mean I can't ever have children?"

"I don't know, Rayne. That is beyond my knowledge. Nimuë may know, but sometimes The Fates cloud things from all of us." She looked in Rayne's eyes and wiped away a tear that had fallen, "Do you want children with Liam? He's a good match for you. I know your mother isn't happy with the choice, but I'm glad you listened to me."

Rayne smiled and nodded, "Not right now, but yes, someday I hoped we might have children of our own. I didn't even know if I could since he's a God and I'm just me. Thank you for telling me to make him stay." she hugged her grandma tightly, "Did you give him the vision?"

"Oh no," the old woman shook her head, "that was a much higher power. Trust me when I say this is meant to be. That goes for children too. If it was meant to be, it will happen, child. Just be patient." Rayne nodded. "Now, you need to listen to me. You controlled your power with Cailleach, and you can do it again. Do not fall into anger. Eris will try to anger you and make the darkness consume you. Remember who you are and those who love you. That is the light you will cling to when you need to use the power." She hugged Rayne tightly. "I wish there was more time, but..." She placed a kiss on Rayne's forehead.

Rayne opened her eyes to see Loki, her mother, and Cailleach waiting on the other side of the wooden bridge. Her mother's eyes went wide when she saw her own mother walking Rayne across the bridge. Rebecca hugged Nimuë and kissed her cheek, "I'm proud of you daughter." She turned to Loki, "You have my most precious treasure within your care. Be true to her Liam," she hugged him and he returned to the form Rayne loved. Finally, she turned to Rayne, "He is your light in dark places, my precious one, remember that. I love you," she hugged her once more, and then she and Cailleach walked away like two old friends laughing and talking until they disappeared into the mists.

Rayne took Liam's hand and they walked back to the plain wooden door and then into her mother's palace. She paused as the door closed, looking back just once. Then she turned to Liam and wrapped her arms around him tightly. He pulled her close as she began to sob. He picked her up in his arms and Maab led the way back to their chambers. He gently laid her on the bed and held her as her grief washed through her. She didn't talk, she just clung to him as he stroked her hair.

Author's Notes:  Aww, she got to see her grandma after all.  :)

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