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"Okay you will be okay might just wanna ice these bruises." Britney was sitting on the edge of the bed covering her body with a blanket. I'm going to grab you some clothes." She went into her closet and some of Vic's pajamas were there, she grabbed her shirt and shorts. " You think we should call your dad?" Vic shakes her head no. Downstairs the others talked. "You think she will be okay?" Johnathan asks concerned. He wasn't really the type to care but this seemed to fuck him up pretty badly. " I- I don't know." Alex says looking at the others worried. They heard the girl coming down the stairs. They looked at her but were silent. Johnathan looked scared of what the poor girl was going to do. She looked him straight in the eyes. "you did this." she says quietly but still staring at him. Everyone turned to him. " I...I didn't know he was going to hurt you. " He stood up walking up to her. Her eyes watered. "I trusted you."

" Just listen I... " "I TRUSTED YOU!" She screamed at the boy. she grabbed a glass cup. and threw it at the boy, he dodges causing the glass to smashes into the wall. " I got her." Alex gets up and grabs her holding her back. "WHAT AM I A FUCKING PON YOU CAN FUCKIN PLAY WITH?!" She yelled at him. " It wasn't my intentions. " Kj looked at him with the most disturbed look. "What the fuck did you tell your friend?" He asked turning away from Vicki to Jonathan. It got quiet. "What did you say?" " I just told him she wasn't my girl, and we would just fuck sometimes that's all. " " Right and did you know he was planning to get at her tonight? " Kj folded his arms. "I didn't know he was going to force himself onto her." He starts talking with his hands that how you know he was nervous. "But you knew he was going to try something with my sister know damn well she is in love with you." Alex says letting his sister go. " I told her not to. " He tried to Justify. "Thats not cool bro." Kj says. Vic started Sobbing. "I'm a dumb fuck I should have never fucked wit you and even after knowing you didn't feel the same way I did. " She chuckled but still crying. "I'm sorry Vicki." He apologized. "It's not on you, it's on me. I want to go home." Vic grabs her bag and heads to the door. "What about the beast?" Everyone looks at her. " I'll give her a ride home, you coming Alex? " Kj asked. "Yea." he walks to the door with his sister and they leave. " What the fuck is wrong with you John? " Britney slaps Jonathan across the face. "ow!" " You know she wouldn't stop seeing you, so you should have stopped her. And I didn't know it had to take someone getting raped for you to fucking care. " Britney was frustrated. "Go fuckin home." He turns to the door and leaves. Brit sits on her couch rubbing her face with her hands when she heard a sudden crash and bark outside in her backyard. She goes to her kitchen grabbing her flashlight and heading to the backyard opening the door. She flashes the light into the wooded area when she hears yet another bark coming from the wooded area. There was a German Shepherd, just a pup with a hurt paw. It was barking at something. She tried calling to it but it continued barking. "Should not be doing this." she whispered to herself. She starts walking towards the Pup when she was finally next to it. Still going off like an alarm, she flashes her light towards where the dog was barking. She saw was a beast it was like a giant wolf but with no fur just skin and teeth coming out of its mouth and green glowing eyes and the size of a mini car. But there was also a person standing next to her who had long dark hair and very skinny" Shit. " She stood still as the creature was now staring at them both hungrily. Britney thinks fast, grabbing the puppy and bolting out of the woods. "Get em." The beats begin to follow behind them. "SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!" she was screaming as she was running into her backyard and quickly closing the door locking it and turning the light off. It goes quiet and all you can hear is Britney's heavy breathing. The back door starts to rattle shaking the door. "Open the door." A light whisper comes from the door. Britney picks up the puppy again and runs to her room, closing her door and locking it as well as her high window. "I think that's enough excitement for the night." She grabs the puppy and looks at its hurt paw, it had a big splinter in it. She goes to her closet grabbing bandages. " you're a cutie. " she rubs the puppy before hanging his paw. "I think I'm going to keep you and name you Dexter." She smiles at the puppy. She gets out of bed checking the window making sure the creepy girl and the beast was gone. There was nothing there anymore. She lays down in her ned petting the puppy that was now curled up next to her. "Pa will be home soon." her father was at the hospital working on a very sick patient so she was home alone. "Wish someone stayed, at least I have you." she smiles at the pup rubbing him, till she falls asleep.


Kj's car pulls off and the twins head inside the house to see their father fast asleep on the couch with the tv on. Alex walks over and turns it off heading to their poor home. Their house wasn't much, a few broken pipes and having hot water was rare. This changed when their mother was murdered by a beast a few years back. After the incident their father became depressed yet angry and drunk. All he wanted was his wife back. He tried to be a better father but couldn't and it felt like something was eating at him that's how he turned to drinking. "Alex ...." Vic called to her brother down the hall. " Yes? " " Can you sleep in your room tonight? '' she asked politely.  "Yea."  He tosses a pillow at the end of his bed, and she goes and lays down. "Are you okay?" Alex asks. "I really don't know." She says quietly. "I'm sorry i wasn't paying any attention to you." "No don't apologize you were having a good time with yo girl." Vic chuckles. "My-...Wait what?" "We all know you like Britney should just go out with her." "You sure?" "Positive, You guys make each other happy." Vicki smiles at her brother. "I love you and I'm sorry bout what happened." "Don't worry bout it I'll be fine. We should get some rest." Vicki lays down covering herself with the covers falling asleep.

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