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The car alarm starts to go off , Vicki woke up she felt something wet on her face she touched it and realized it was blood, her blood. "Sh-shit Alex!" She cried in pain her seat belt was digging into her chest, she looks over at her brother. He was knocked out with blood on his hands and face. Vic then realizes her van was now flipped upside down. She tried to take off her seat belt as it dug deeper into her skin causing her to bleed and wail in pain. "AAAAAA!" She screams as she is finally released from the grasp of the seat belt. She brings to kick out the front window glass causing it to shatter and break. She then moves over to her brother getting him out of his seat and pushing him through the window. They both lay on the ground unconscious and the other out of breath. "Alex. Alex wake up." She says grabbing her twin brothers face trying to wake him she sees his arm was snapped in 2 places and head was also bleeding. "God Alex get up!" She cried shaking her brother. His eyes slowly open slightly his glasses cracked. "What the hell happened?" He tries to sit up but there was extreme pain in his arm. "Oh god don't get up I'm going to get help." Vic says. "What am I going to do lay here and let the beast get me?!" He whines. "No! Of course, not they aren't going to get you u do have to stay here though." I give him a worried look. "I heard the beast doesn't like fire, the lighter out the car I found a big ass stick." "Are you sure." "Positive." Vic climbs back through the window of her van and grabs a lighter. She takes off her shirt and wraps it around the stick for it to burn. "Vic are you okay?" He had very concerned look on his face. "Yea why?" He points at my stomach there was some type of metal rod going through it. "How the fuck did I not feel that?!" She whales mentally losing her shit. "I'll be okay at least I can move I'm going to get us help." She starts limping looking for the closest house. She looks at her watch that was now cracked but it's said at 11pm their dad must be worried if he's not drunk. About 2 miles walking she started to bleed out. "Shit...SHIT!" Vic cursed. She finally sees a house that looked like Britney's, but her vision was getting blurry. She limped to the door knocking. The door opens "OH MY GOT VICKI!!" She screams at the sight of best friend bleeding out. "Dad!" She screams and her father comes and sees Vic on the ground half passed out bleeding. "My brother..He- he's two miles away his arm is broken." With that she blacks out.


" So, you don't get a girlfriend?" A girl with black hair and pale skin asked Johnathan sitting on his lap. "Naw not at the moment." He smirks at her. "So, I can do this?" She grabs his face and kisses his lips. He wraps his hands around her waist slowly guiding her to grind on him. The phone rings, he pulls out of the kiss and tells the girl to get off of him as he gets up to get the phone. "What I was busy...." "Vic and Alex are hurt they got attacked by the beast get over here NOW!" John John's eyes widened. He grabs his jacket. "Where u goin? The girl asks. "Our which means u, out." He points out the door and she storms out of his rim and he follows behind her. "Ugh really?!" She says heading to the front door. "Yes." He pushes her out the door and closes it. "Who was that?" His mom asks. "Nobody where are the keys?" He asked, looking around the house. "Nooo your not leaving out this house at this hour." "I understand why but Vic is hurt, and I need to see her." His dad gives him a quizzical look. "Your friend that was here earlier." "Yea." He finds the keys under the couch cushion and heads to the door. "Wait" "yea?" He turns towards his father. "Don't be out for too long it's already late." The boy shook his head and left the house.


"I don't see why you don't wanna go to the hospital." Britney says, wrapping Vic's waist with bandages. " Brit you know how we are with money plus your dads a doctor we are in good hands." Vic smiles. She looks over to her brother who was watching television as he got his cast put on by Britney's dad. When they heard a knock on the door. "That's Johnny." She goes to the door to see the boy. "What happened?!" He asks walking into the house seeing Vic bleeding out of her stomach and her face patched. "The beast happened after i picked Alex up." Vic says. Alex waves at Johnathan. "Well, what happened to the car." He asks, sitting next to Vic on the chair. "Gotta, get it towed tomorrow it's messed up pretty badly what this is from the car is missing so yea." Vic shows him this huge metal pipe that was covered in blood. "Ong what the hell?!" He panics. " You think that's bad, should have seen it when I was compelled to." Vic smirked. The boy's eyes widened, and everyone knew she was crazy but not this damn crazy. " You think we should call KJ?" Alex asked. Everyone looked at everyone else. "What? I'm just sayin I was at his house, and he wanted me to call when I got home but I never made it as y'all can see." He says, rolling his eyes. "I'll call him." Britney grabs her house phone and dials his number. Kj and Vic used to be best friends before even Brit and her were. They eventually started dating but broke up when he cheated on her with her worst enemy. They broke up and just stopped talking since it's been 3 years now and Alex is still cool with him while everyone else is kinda awkward, he was part of the group but replaced by John John when he moved to their area.

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