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"Don't forget to call, okay?" Vic says
"Promise." With that the girl goes inside the store. "What now?" John John asks leaning back in his seat. "I don't know." Vic replies to takin the van out of park. "We could head to my place." He smirks.

".... Johnathan-...slow down." The girl moans in between kisses. The boy stops kissing "Doesn't sound like u want me to slow down." He chuckles. She pushes his chest with her hands trying to slow him, but there was no point. "Shit." He moans pulling out and let it out on her stomach. They were both out of breath. "So, this is it?" She asks sitting up using her elbows, cleaning up their mess that was on her. "Seems like it yeah." Johnathan says putting his jeans back on. "Why do we do this? It quite obvious you don't actually like me." She says slightly annoyed. "Are we really doing this right now?" He asked nonchalantly yet irritated. "Yes, we are because I feel some type of way." She states sliding her skirt back on and pulling her shirt back on. "We can stop." He states looking at Vic. She sits there giving him a blank stare. "My point u don't want to, so get over it." He says. "We are who sometimes do unfriendly things big deal u wanted to." He says grabbing a lighter off his desk and a blunt. She watch's the boy, she always thought this was just a phase and he would actually love her as she did for him but every time, they had sex it provided she was wrong. "You're such a dick."  He just shrugs his shoulders smoking his J. He knew she would be back. The phone rings and she answer it. "Hello?" "Knew ya ass was there, come get me." Alex says on the other line. "Ugh ight I'm coming." She hangs up and grabs her bag and leaves his room, out the front door going to the van and begins to cry. All she wanted was to feel loved and that's why she ran to Johnathan so fast but he ain't that type of person, and she knew that shit. He wanted what he wanted but that's it and be friends nothing more."Your so fuckin stupid thinking he would love you back." She mumbled to herself. She starts her van and starts to drive and looks at her watch. It was an hour before the town's curfew.

Knock knock
Kj answers the door and looks at the girl through his dreads. The girl's body stiffens from the boys' dark brown eyes that seemed to be staring into her soul.
"Haven't seen u at my door since freshman year." He states. "Yea been a while." She says with a small smile and shrug. "You wanna come in ya brother finishing up some stuff on our project won't be out for a minute." The boy opens the door wider for the girl to walk in. "Thanks." She says walking into the nice Home. She takes a seat on his couch, it's complete silence in the room causing Vic to panic slightly. "Why did u ditch me?" She finally asked but her heart was still racing. "You changed and so did I, and so did the others." He just looks at the girl." Well yea but it feels like you shut me out." She replies looking now at the floor she couldn't hold the deadheaded boy's gaze. "Look don't worry bout it, people drift apart." He says when I hear footsteps. "Can we go it's getting late." The girls brother says he seems very worried. "Yea let's go." She grabs her keys off the couch and leaves without glancing at KJ. "I'll see you later bruh" Alex dab up Kj and the twins leave getting into the car. It was already pretty dark. "What took u so long." "Nun what was y'all talkin bout doe?" Alex raises a curious eyebrow. "Nothing let's just go home." She starts her van, and they drive. As they are driving, they noticed all the houses lights were out. "Shit u think it came?" Alex asks wit fear. "I don't know." "Park over there and turn the car off." Alex points to the side of the road. It was curfew time and when the beast come out it is heard all over in the area that everyone locks their doors and turn off their lights, so the beast won't know they are home. "Turn the car off" Alex says frantic and Vic turns the car off. They go in the back and sit. "So, what happened at John-.," "Nothing." "Your lying Vic ik something happened something always happens but your moodier this time." "Yea well false hope that guess." She rolls her eyes grabbing a blunt she rolled earlier. She lights it and begins to smoke and passing it to her brother. "Did he hurt you?" Alex asks after takin a puff. "Nawww I did it to myself." She chuckles. "The fuck was that?" Vic asks after hearing a snap of sticks outside. "Shhhh!" Alex's eyes were wide. The van shakes as a large object jumps on top of it causing it to shake. "Vic covers her mouth in fear moving closer to her brother. There was a low growl, the van shakes yet again as the creature jumps off the car. Then there was loud screeching sound on the side of the van then it stops, and the sound of running feels the air. They were gone. "We need to go home KNOW!" Alex exclaimed. They get to the front at start the car as Vic starts driving quickly. "You, okay?" She asks grabbing her brothers' hand." I'm alrigh LOOK OUT!!!" He screams there was a creature right in front of dem she swerved hard around it. They hear a loud as growl and howl. "FUCK DRIVE!!" Alex screams. Vic begins speeding as the wild creatures chase behind dem. Alex looks out his window to see on right next to him. "AHHHHHHAA GO FASTER!!" He cries. The creature tried to jump on the window only cracking it. They began to swerve and crash into a tree.

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