Chapter 1: Arriving At House Dimitrescu

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(As I awoke from my sleep I realized I was in a huge castle wondering how I got here as a massive headache soon formed in my head as it was extremely agonizingly painful, until a soft female voice spoke to me)

Maid: Hello sir, how are you feeling?

Joshua: I'm ok just have a massive headache urgh!...what, what happened where am I?

Maid: Oh why your at House Dimitrescu, The Lady brought you in when you arrived at the castle gates as you were weak and injured, though the lady of the house doesn't necessarily like men in the castle and as you can see there are only maids here, but your the exception to her cause you were extremely weak and vulnerable and that's why your here. Would you mind telling me what happened

Joshua: Well...if I recall me and my friend were heading to a facility and that's when everything changed
(Flash back)

Ethan: Where the hell are you taking us!

Soldier: Someplace safe sir

Ethan: That still doesn't explain why you and Chris barged into my home and shot my wife and took my daughter!

Soldier: That wasn't your wife

Ethan: What the hell are you talking about?!

Soldier: Trust me there are things you don't understand, you'll find out soon enough

(As Ethan and Joshua were making their way towards the facility, crashing noises were heard and soldiers were screaming in utter horror)

Joshua: What's going on out there?

(The soldier transporting Ethan and Joshua Screams as they were getting pulled out by an unknown force the soldier shoots his gun but is then quickly silenced)

Ethan: What the fuck?

(As the screaming stopped the truck begins to toss and turn violently soon after everything blacked out)

Joshua:(As I awoke dazed and confused, everything was a blur to me I struggled to get to my feet and as soon as I got up I looked around, I saw that there was no sign of Ethan he must've moved on without me, but I wasted no time as I knew I had to get out of this forest who knows what could be lurking about and as I begun making my way out I heard growling noises what the hell was that I spoke to myself but I didn't want to stick around and find out when I neared the end I could finally see light and a village?) Where the hell am I?

Joshua:(As I awoke dazed and confused, everything was a blur to me I struggled to get to my feet and as soon as I got up I looked around, I saw that there was no sign of Ethan he must've moved on without me, but I wasted no time as I knew I had to...

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(As Joshua made his way down towards the village he began to investigate and as he did he saw that it was abandoned and as he explored the area he came across a lycan on top of the house just sitting there and as it saw him it stood up and it howled so loudly it causes more lycans to appear and this wasn't good for him at all)

Joshua: Ah shit!(As I desperately ran the lycans were close behind me, I ran for my life but one of them manages to catch up to me attacking I tried to fend them off but they were very strong biting a chunk out of my arm and gave me deep gash claw...

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Joshua: Ah shit!(As I desperately ran the lycans were close behind me, I ran for my life but one of them manages to catch up to me attacking I tried to fend them off but they were very strong biting a chunk out of my arm and gave me deep gash claw marks on my leg) Ah fuck!(I screamed in pain but I managed to kick and punch them away I began limping towards what appears to be a large castle just then a massive snow storm rose making the lycan like creatures retreat but I pushed on towards the castle badly injured but it didn't take long for the blood loss to kick in making me pass out at the gates)

(End of Flash back)

Joshua: And that's how it all started

Maid: Wow...I can't believe you went through all that, you are very fortunate to be alive

Joshua: Yeah I guess so, and I'm curious who patched me up?

Maid: Oh, one of the mistresses did

Joshua: Really I did not know that?

Maid: Yes that is correct, one of them attended to you while you were passed out and I must say I didn't know that they could bandage and wrap wounds plus you are very lucky to be alive as well though not many do live in this castle, heh sorry I'm just rambling on but anyway the lady of house and her daughters will be expecting you soon so be sure to be well rested when you meet you them and if you need anything else let me know and I'll have one of the maids come in an help you.

Joshua: I will and thank you, though I never did catch your name ma'am.

Maid: Oh my apologies, I am Ingrid and you are?

Joshua: I'm Joshua it's nice to meet you Ingrid

Ingrid: It's nice to meet you as well Joshua and I hope you enjoy your stay here.

Joshua: Thank you

(As Ingrid left me to rest my thoughts clouded my mind after everything that happened as all of it was a blur and I was also curious to know who the lady of the house was and the other mistresses that wrapped and bandaged my severe wounds but rest is what I needed right now)

(Alright so I feel like this revamp is a little bit better instead of just doing the whole POV thing which I feel is not exactly the best writing but I hope ya'll will like this version a bit more as I make more chapters.)

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