Chapter 7

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I opened my eyes and looked around as I saw a waterfall behind me; it was beautiful "am I home" I asked.

I closed my eyes as I saw the golden butterfly; as he came and sat on my shoulder, "what did you do, butterfly?" I asked, "I brought you home as you asked; just call katie, and she'll come and help you," he said, "but how did you get me home," I asked, "I can transport through worlds, dear Rolf did katie not tell you that," he asked, "nope but I'll ask her thank you again golden butterfly," I said.

I then opened my eyes and looked around the waterfall some more "katie!" I yelled.

Katie then appeared in front of me and smiled as she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me in close for a hug "Rolf! I'm so glad your home, brother I've missed you so much, and free has too; she is in labour; come on, I'll take you to her" she said, "wait, katie," I said.

She looked at me as she paused; "what's up, Rolf" she asked, "how can your butterfly teleport through realms" I asked, "hey, how many times do I have to tell you it's a butterfree? After he died, well before he died, I used my magic to give him the ability to fly through realms so if I died, he could go wherever he wanted," I said, "oh okay, well, let's get to free" I said.

She smiled as she took me by the hand and brought us to free I don't know how she could do that, but sometime in her life, she had gained the ability of magic, so she was able to get us there really fast.

We were now in a hospital, and I saw my dad waiting outside katie must've left in charge as he looked over at me "oh Rolf, i'm so glad to see you; your wife is in there; she just gave birth to two beautiful boys" he said.

I saw my wonderful, beautiful wife holding two adorable boys. "Rolf, your finally home I'm so happy to meet your kids, Freddie and Robbie," she said.

I went over and took both boys in my arms as I was so happy, but then I felt something in me that made me drop to the floor as Katie got my kids and handed them back o free "quick, dad, get a doctor; Rolf is hurt, Rolf? Rolf!" I yelled.

All I could hear was my sister calling me before the darkness came, and I saw nothing but darkness, no butterfly, no white, just night, but then I saw a girl in front of me; she looked nothing like my sister; she looked like me for some reason with her white hair, but she had free's eyes was this the kid I was going to give birth to I didn't know anymore.

I opened my eyes and looked around the room I was in a hospital bed "okay, Rolf, get ready; we need you to start pushing" they said, "why, what for" I asked, "to get your baby out, it's time" they said.

I didn't know what was happening as I started to try to push until I heard the sound of crying as they turned someone in my arms "it's a healthy baby girl; what will you name her" he asked, "rose, her name is rose" I said.

I held the girl in my arms as I got up and placed her on the bed I took the medical stuff off of me and went to the corner and curled into a ball, and started to cry I didn't want this; I didn't want what was happening.

I cried until I heard a knock on the door open "Rolf, are you okay dad wanted me to check on you" she said.

I just cried I didn't want to see anyone, not now, not yet.

The door then opened as my sister walked in and picked up rose and walked over to me and sat down next to me, and tried to comfort me, but it didn't work "hey Rolf, are you okay? Please stop crying, please I promise I'm here for you" she said.

I tried to stop crying, but I couldn't. "I'm sorry, Katie, I'm not sure what happened; how this happened, I feel like something is wrong with me, and I can't have babies; only girls can have babies, so how did I" I asked, "I don't know, Rolf, I think it is a 10 to 15 percent that males can have kids so congrats Rolf your a father to three beautiful kids congrats bro," she said.

I stopped crying as my eyes then changed to black. I needed to stop crying and turn it into anger "fuck you, Katie," he said.

She then brought out her demons "what the hell did you just say to me, dear Rolf? Cause I know you didn't just say that to me cause I am the older twin," she said, "yeah, only by 10 minutes but you know what fuck you I don't know I never wanted this kid I don't know how I got it, but you take it, but I'm not keeping it, so take it away from me," I growled, "well, I can't take care of it I already have four mouths to feed, so fuck off, Rolf," she said.

We then just growled at each other until a knock was on the door frame "excuse me, mister and misses showco" he said.

We both turned and growled, "what!" We growled, "the doctor just needs to check on Rolf and Rose, and your father is looking for you, misses showco," she said.

I stayed where I was as Katie got up and went to see our father; a doctor came in and closed the door as he picked up the rose and sat on a chair nearby me "so Rolf," he said.

I looked up at him, still mad as ever "what is it" I asked, "please calm down, sir I just want to make sure the baby is in good care will you take care of her or do we need to do something else for this child Rolf please" he said.

I blinked my tears back and forth as I saw my inner demon go back inside me and my eyes returned to their lush green grass colour. "I want her, but I also don't want her; you know what that's like, sir, don't you," I asked, "of course, Rolf, we want what's best for the parent and child," he said.

I want rose to be safe; maybe someone could take care of her; she missed so much of our life, but I didn't want to lose her free would love her I already feel like I love her already. "I want her; just it's so confusing I'm a male, not a girl or female, so how," I asked, "it may be a 10 to 15 percent, so I'm sorry this has happened, but it has happened and now your a father of three; congrats, please get in bed and rest," he said.

I got in the bed and held rose close to me "please come down, rose, please, Rosa, your okay daddie's here," he said.

She then looked up as I held her close; this was a new experience; she would be a wild ride.

An: hi guys, I'm back with another chapter, and yes, I've gone a little crazy so men can have kids. I have checked on the internet, but in my head, I think it's possible, or instead, in my tile world of imagination, there is, hehe, so my fictional brother had one.

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