Chapter 3

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I woke up after my little nap or sleep as I saw the woman holding me in her arms "mother, what are you doing" I asked.

She looked down at me and just smiled "nothing sweetie, just sleep, okay please" she said, "no, I don't need to sleep anymore; please put me down" I asked, "but your, my son and I need to take care of you" she said.

I then jumped down as she picked me up and put me in something "hey, let me out" I said, "no, you will listen to me Rolf. I am your mother," she said.

I looked at the woman as she was turning more devilish I now saw that both Katie and I's parents were crazy "you crazy," I said, "I know that's why I'm a demon, and that's why your father gave me this world," she said, "well can I get out, please," I asked, "not now, baby," she said, "I'm not a baby," I said, "you are one since I missed, so much of your life Rolf," she said.

I just sat in the cage-like bed and waited for the time to pass by as I went into my head and saw someone new.

I saw white and the golden butterfly as I saw my sister next to them "well, its nice of you to finally show up Rolf" she said, "well, I was busy waking up then finding out mom is crazy like all my family" I said. "well it's not my fault that I have too much energy and just because mama and dad are demons well more the devil king I guess it means they'll be a little crazy while your the only sensible one in our family" she said.

I just smiled "well, I'm sorry I didn't come back to the darkness till now I woke up to mom being crazy I think she's trying to make up for the time lost with us," he said, "haha she probably is but how did you get there brother is the answer I would like to know and a time like this," she said. "I know, I know I left my pregnant wife I'm sorry have the kids come yet," I asked, "not yet, but I'll go over and look after her for you" she said, "thank you kate" I said, "no problem now how did you get to this other world without my wifferfull" she said.

I just laughed as her eyes turned from green to black. "I forgot how much darkness has gotten into your body, sis," I said, "yeah sorry now I'm going crazy on you, haha your just surrounded by us crazy people," she said. "it's okay, katie, well let's see I got here by something hit me on the head, and then I was transported here with no one besides that gold butterfly," I said, "hey that's not a butterfly that's a butterfree and what hit you," she asked. "What's a butterfree? It's a butterfly, kate, and I don't know what; something just clucked me on the noggin, then darkness happened, and I was transported to this land, wherever this place is now, I'm just trying to find a way home" I said, "okay brother if you're telling the truth" she said.

She then started to fade away "wait katie, where are you going? Please don't leave me," he said, "hey, you'll be okay, you're my brother, my other half, and I know our strong well at least stronger than me hehe have fun, and please come back home soon free is waiting to Rolf and tell Mom, I said hi," she said, "okay, will do, sis I love you see you whenever I get out of this world," he said.

She then faded away as I saw white wolf "want to go for a run, white" I asked, "yes, please, that would be so fun" he said, "okay, let's go" I said.

I then stayed in my head as white went out and transformed into himself as he clawed himself out of his bed cage, whatever it was, then went out the window and went for a run wherever our well my mother lived.

White was running when he came to a stop at a stream "hey, Rolf take a look; it's so beautiful on her" white said, "okay, white" I said.

I then looked through white as I saw the scenery all around my mother's home; she lived in the Country or woods cause it was beautiful.

I then sat back as I let white have his fun till he found a spot in the shade to lay down "is it okay if we sleep? Rolf, you know how running makes me tired," White said, "sure, buddy," I said.

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