Chapter 4

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I walked with the man to a room near the man and the young boy's rooms "this will be your room so you can be right next to Maxie and me if that is okay" he said, "of course, it will, thank you sir" I said, "of course, you are now apart of my family let me or any of my people know if you need anything to Rolf" he said, "okay thank you" I said.

I then went into the room as the other boy, known as Maxie, followed me "I don't like you," Maxie said, "Hey, that makes two of us, so what do you need, Maxie," I asked, "get out of my home; this is my life, and my dad, you don't belong and why do you have white hair? And what happened to the wolf I had yesterday? He was going to be my pet since dad is never home," Maxie said.

I bent down to Maxie's height and looked ingot his eyes. "Maxie, do you want a friend or a pet? Choose cause right now I can be your friend or enemy; what do you want" I asked, "I want friends" Maxie said.

I put my arms around Maxie "then I will be your friend if you'll let me be," I said, "sure" maxi said, "boys, breakfast is ready" he said, "come on, I'll race you" I said.

A smile was on Maxie's face as we ran to the dining hall as I let Maxie win "you boys look like your having fun already" he said, "yes sir" I said, "well Rolf would you like to go to school with Maxie" he asked, "yeah that would be fun" I said, "okay you can go after we eat breakfast I'll have a uniform made for you" he said, "thank you sir" I said.

We sat at the table as some servants came out with some food for them. Wow, this must be one rich, fellow, but whatever it is, roll with it, I guess.

I ate my food until I was complete, and all of my plates were gone; hey, I was eating for two, haha, since white needs his strength as well as me "hey sir" I asked, "yes, Rolf what it is" he asked, "what do you do for a living" I asked, "well I am a retailer I sell homes to people" he said, "oh okay that's nice" I said, "yeah now go to your room your uniform should be on your bed" he said, "okay thank you sir" I said.

She looked all around her home around the land nearby but nothing she couldn't find anything she couldn't see her son but then she picked up her phone and called her husband "James dear" she said "Kaitlyn what is it I gave you what you wanted" he said. "yes you did honey, but now I can't find our son what did you do with him did you take him back"  she asked, "now why would I take back our son when he doesn't belong to me he belongs to you he is be a devil but not as much as katie she is my child" he said.

She then got angry some more "well I want him back, and I would like to know what you did with him because he's not here and he is not in my home or near me, so please tell me where he is" she demanded "Kaitlyn calm down I'll help you find him just clam down and will find him in no time I swear just don't send him back katie is all I care about" he said, "of course, dear now help me" she said.

A mirror then formed in front of her "there now tell the mirror who you seek now leave me alone you know I don't like talking to you ever since we got a divorce" he said, "haha I know neither do I thank you, James, never talk to you again" she said.

She then hung out the phone as she said the name "Rolf showco" she said.

The mirror then showed an image of her son as the person she wished to see her child. I will find you no matter what. Rolf, don't worry, mommy is coming for you.

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I walked out of the car with Maxie "enjoy the day, young masters" she said, "thank you, Nancy" Maxie said, "okay thank you ma'am" I said.

I then walked next to Maxie "so where do I go" I asked, "hmm, probably to the principles office I'll take you there," Maxie said, "okay, sounds good," I said.

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