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I came out of the portal; my sister called me to she was still in bed from all that almost dying stuff as I went to look for free my wonderful wife with our twin pups in the way.

I looked around our home till I found free asleep on our bed I went over to make sure she was okay.

I took her by the hand and checked her pulse; she was fine, just resting.

I then felt something hit me as I was transported somewhere else, somewhere new. Oh, dear sis, where are you taking me now?

I opened my eyes as I looked around my surroundings I was in some forest, maybe in some house, but it wasn't with free or my other family members.

I got up and looked around; it looked like a kid's boy's room "Rolf, are you awake mum says it's time for breakfast," someone said, "okay, coming," I said.

I opened the door from the bedroom and saw the light come into the room as I looked around but saw nothing, no one but the sound coming from the kitchen probably, so I went towards it.

I walked to the kitchen, as I saw three people, some family "Rolf! Brother" she screamed.

She got up and hugged me for some reason. Who da hell is she, no wait, who are they? And where am I? Maybe white knows.

The little girl hugged me until she walked away and sat back down at the table "come on, Rolf, come eat before I take you and Emily to school" she said, "okay" I said.

I sat at the table and ate whatever the lady put in front of me, but this place was all so strange; where was I? Did Katie do something to me? Why can't I go home?

I ate all the food in front of me, well, primarily for white "okay, kids, let's get you guys to school" she said, "okay, mom" she said, "okay" I said.

We walked outside as I got in a car, but I just wanted to talk to white; maybe he would know what's going on here, why I can't get home, why I'm trapped in this world.

I went into my brain as I saw a wolf with my family with his family I was left alone on the other side of a mirror; all I could do was look.

I went over as I tried to get through, but the glass or mirror stopped me "wolf, free, Katie, dad, kids, can anyone hear me please I want to come home" I said.

I then looked around the room as all I saw was darkness with the light of the mirror; it hurt so much, but why maybe cause I missed all of them and I was lost in the dark, but Katie and I were both born from the darkness from the devil that's who she chose as our father.

I looked all around the darkness when I saw something gold; it looked like a glimmer in the darkness, but I didn't remember who or what it was from my sister's journeys.

It landed on my shoulder and smiled at me "hello Rolf, how are you" it asked, "do I know you" I asked, "probably not I was a friend of your sisters; my name is butterfree" it said.

I looked around in the darkness, but it was this gold butterfly and me "so what do you do, and how did you get in my mind" I asked, "haha, silly boy, I am in all of the Showco's minds I travel between minds I may be dead, but I am like a guide to your whole family, your spirit animal maybe, but the point is I help to try and figure out what is going on in your life," it said. "Okay, so can you help get me home to my pregnant wife," I asked.

The butterfly just laughed as he flew around me "silly Rolf, don't you know how portals work and other worlds? You have to stay and try and find the problem or fix anything in this world" it said. "Is that what Katie would do to fix it? If that's the right word," I asked, "yeah, along with having as much fun as she could" it said, "so what your saying is I have to find something wrong in this world" I asked, "yeah mostly" it said.

I just nodded "okay, sounds good but can't I have my wolf," I asked, "sure," it said, "and stop comparing me to my sister; we may be twins, but I'm not as crazy as she is I'm the more serious one," he said, "okay sorry Rolf whatever you say," it says.

I then watched as the mirror opened as I tried to go through However, it wouldn't let me still as my wolf came to me "rolf? What's happening? Where am I? Where are we? the last thing I couldn't find you," he said, "I know white I'm sorry, but I got sucked into some kind of another world, and now I'm stuck here until I fix something, but I don't know what yet" I said, "okay Rolf well I'm here right next to you by your side" he said, "thanks white you're the best" I said.

I then went out of my brain and looked around my surroundings as I was still in the car with the woman and the little girl named Emily. I guess I'm stuck here for a while, but at least white is with me, but I swear I'll get home to you soon free, and my boys just wait.

A/n: and I'm back with another book yay, that's three new ideas; now, I'm going to have to write each outline slowly since I'm writing so much, haha. I can't wait to write more of this and my other books. So this is a story all about my fictional twin rolf hoe you guys enjoy hehe!

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