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*Casually writing chapters and consulted the Major Plotline I wrote down.*
Author : "Nothing too bad--- Wait a minute."
*Squints eyes at plot then rereads chapters I wrote since Orion's meeting with PJ and Gradient then the plotline book*
Author : "Well hippity hoppity, the plot is mixed up."
Author : "Welp...Guess I have to rewrite plot again...Just means more depth and drama, surely the readers won't mind.."
*Looks at the comments for last few chapters*
Author : "They'll be fine..Hopefully."
*Begins to write plot but imagination comes as blank*
Author : "Eheh..Im in danger."
Author : "Man it feels like I'm extending it more than it should, I was going so well too."

Era : "So well that you messed it up."
Orion : "It really is too bad...The book would've be nearly finished but instead they're writing more information instead of quickly finishing the book because they have no motivation left for current chapters."
Lucid : "I believe they can do it! We just have to patiently wait it out alright?"
Nightmare : "Uhuh..Sure."

*The Author looks at their book characters for the fgod fanfic and sighs*
Author : "I need to finish this quickly before I am roasted to death by the characters I'm writing."
*Writing down more plot than nessacary and accidently prepared plot for a second book*
Author : "Oops..I guess that second book really is coming out, Surprise~"
*The Author winks before grinning and the Author Note ends*

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