15. Spider-man vs Class-S

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Spider-man dodged out of the way of the two slashes the guy aimed at him and ducked behind him.

The ninja visibly sweatdropped and leaped away from Spider-man. "Impossible! No one can see through my attacks so easily."

"Wow, you even sound like the other guy. Spees-O-Sound Sonic. Anyway, you done? Cause there are like a few more dudes that want a piece of me."

"Not quite," the white ninja answered, whipping two kunai at him. Spider-man caught both in his hands before ducking under the sword swipe.

The ninja kicked at Spider-man, who did a limbo position to dodge.

He started backpedalling rapidly, the white ninja speeding after him. Dodging a few sword slashes, Spider-man kicked his leg out at the ninja's legs. The ninja jumped over his swipe, but Spider-man leaped up into the air, grabbing the ninja's shirt and pulling him upwards. He lost his sword as the two rocketed into the sky, and Spider-man let go of his shirt to block the series of punches the ninja launched at him.

They traded blows all the way up the arc and as they descended. The ninja landed in a sick pose on the earth and grabbed his sword, while Spider-man just did a pose in a similar fashion cracking the ground beneath him. From his pose, the ninja swung his legs at Spider-man's neck. Spider-man grabbed one of his legs and flung the ninja over his shoulder.

The ninja somersaulted in midair, throwing several kunai and shurikens at him. Spider-man dodged them all with great reflexes at regular speeds and rushed at the ninja who met him halfway at light speeds.

Spider-man dodged all of his strikes, ducking or blocking all of them, circling around his opponent. Using his arm blades to block the sword attacks.

The ninja struggled to keep up, his punches and sword slashes always seeming to land on his opponent. Spider-man started side hopping around him, going so fast a tornado was starting to form around him. The ninja struck futilely at Spider-man, desperately trying to keep up with his erratic movements.

Spider-man grabbed Flashy Flash arm as he slammed him to the ground making him bounce off the ground as Flash felt a kick connecting to his cheek as he was sent flying and scattering across the ground.

Flashy Flash panted heavily, out of breath. He stared incredulously at this man, who stared back at him, suddenly Flaeh hears a voice behind him, "So who'd you like fighting my afterimage?"

Flashy Flash jumps forward to look behind him in surprise to see who it was, it was the man he had just fought, Flash looks behind him to see another Spider-man 10 feet away disappeared with a blur heading back to the original one who was now in front of him. I fought an afterimage this whole time!

This Class-A who outpaced Flashy Flash, the fastest man alive. It was absurd! How dare he! Flashy Flash vowed to train until he was once again the fastest being on the plant. Leaving behind a dust trail, he disappeared into the resort to meditate.

"Anyone else?"

The S Class Heroes looked at one another. This guy had beaten the strongest and the fastest amongst them, with seemingly no issue. Was there really any question as to if he was qualified?

The answer was no, but being the prideful son of a bitches that they were, decided to keep testing him anyway.

"Alright Spider-man, my blade has felled innumerable monsters and villains. My signature technique is world renowned for its speed and precision. Let us see how you fare against it!" The middle aged samurai guy announced, hand on his sheathed blade. "Atomic Slash!"

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