11. The Class-S Meeting

Start from the beginning

Genos's grabbed and held the young man up in the air by the neck.

"Ugh! I give!" Charanko shouted painfully.

Genos let the disciple go and swiftly sat back down.

Spider-man winced. "A bit uncalled for there, Genos!"

"He wished to challenge me, and I won in the fastest way possible. I see little wrong with my actions," Genos responded cooly.

"Still…" Spider-man said, trailing off as he glanced at a still-recovering Charanko on the floor. "Bang, Charanko said he was your strongest disciple. Is that really true?"

The sensei, who had been observing them, answered in a dark voice. "Well… there is one who stands unchecked. He has incapicated so many talented disciples that all the others quit in fear, understandable but unfortunate."

Spider-man and Saitama stood, their interest piqued.

"What was his name?" Spider-man asked.

"Is he that strong?" Saitama added.

Silverfang turned away from them. "His name is Garou. He was once my finest disciple… but I beat him up and drove him out."

Spider-man grinned. "For an old dude you must back a punch, Bang!"

Charanko shot back to his feet, raising his fist in fury. "Haven't you heard of the hero named Silverfang?!"

He drew in a deep breath. "Class S! Rank 3! Silverfang! He flows with moves like flowing water, toys with his opponents like a raging river smashing a boulder! He is the master of martial arts. You only recently became heroes so that would explain your ignorance."

"Hmph!" Tatsumaki cut in for the defense of her... friends. "I'm surprised you're able to stand up after earlier. And who are you to say things like that to their face? For such a little twerp, you sure are loud!"

"Little… twerp?" Charanko recoiled. "Look at yourself, you little –"


"Enough, Charanko." Bang chided. "Do not disgrace us. Despite being relatively new, Saitama and Spider-man here is many times stronger than me."

"Master, you can't be serious…" Charanko responded in disbelief.

"You hear that?" Tatsumaki said with a smirk. "Listen to your master and shut your trap, you little twerp." Before Charanko could utter a sentence that would result in a detriment to his health and well-being, the door slid open and a suited man looking very ragged and exhausted appeared.

"Mr. Silverfang!" announced the man. "The Association sent me! An emergency summons has been issued to all S Class heroes! Please come to Association Headquarters immediately. Is - Is that you Genos, Saitama, Ms. Tatsumaki? Your phones wasn't responding for whatever reason but it's very fortunate you're here. Since all S Class heroes have been summoned, please come too! This is very urgent!" Tatsumaki rolled her eyes. She had intentionally left her phone at home because she didn't want anyone bothering her while hanging out with Saitama, not that she would admit it.

Bang had never adopted the use of any gadgets whatsoever since he preferred the simplicity of life back then. Technology seemed to elude his understanding for some reason. For him to get a message, someone had to run up the full flight of stairs to his dojo just to contact him.

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