"I don't remember," Saitama lazily replied to this as he picked up a magazine to read.

"Lord, you are bad at remembering things. Just shows that you have dementia you old fucker." Spider-man said with a laugh.

"Shut up, wall-crawler!"


Tatsumaki spat out her tea finding their banter super amusing while Fubuki was letting out giggles of her own.

Genos and Spider-man saw that the news that Saitama had turned on was discussing the arrival of ten more of these Sea Folk in City-J.

In a minimally worried tone, Genos stated, "I was told that there is an A-Class Hero fighting them all on his own, and he is on the brink of defeat."

"Miraculously the A class hero Stinger is still holding off the monsters who without warning came from the ocean! but he's still only human and if back up doesn't arrive soon he's sure to give way to his fatigue alone!" The reporter said as the camera focused on the fight in progress.

"Yet he's still standing, that's impressive." Fubuki added.

"It shows that he has determination and willpower to not back down, I used to be in tough fights like him."

"Please I could wipe the floor with those things." Tatsumaki boasted with a confident smile on her face.

"Given their size and strength difference if he has any hope of beating them he needs to somehow kill all of them in a single blow." Genos stated as he analyzed the scene.


Meanwhile, in an apartment in one of the more peaceful parts of City-Z, the Hero, Mumen Rider, was listening to the same news broadcast.

Class-C' number one hero Mumen Rider had just finished putting on his equipment and began running towards his place's door while declaring, "I'm on my way, buddy!"


At the same time, many other Heroes were also heading out to City-J to try and lend their aid to the struggling A-Class Hero as he fought to save the people of the city.

All the while, nearby the coast of City-J, a heavily injured Stinger was standing in the middle of six of the Sea Folk's corpses. The four remaining aquatic monsters were standing around the exhausted and bleeding Hero, all of them trying to surround him as they got ready to go in for the kill.

Stinger tightened his grip on his bamboo spear, let out a small laugh, and weakly proclaimed, "I gotta say, you've got spunk... ya slimy bastards! My beloved bamboo shoot here is stoked to battle enemies with some grit for a change! But I'm afraid it's time to end this."

One of the Sea Folk, with a large amount of fury in its voice, tried to cut down to Stinger's confidence by declaring, "Quit your boasting, Human! Your ridiculous fan club ran off long ago!"

Another one of these giant creatures added to its brethren's statement in an equally threatening tone, "Your death will be painful! For the taking of our brothers' lives, you will suffer greatly!"

Stinger, with his one eye that hadn't been swollen shut, confidently looked over his remaining enemies and spoke to himself, "Four fish to go..." He then took up a fighting stance and spun his spear over his head fast enough to propel himself into the air,

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