Instead of responding to this statement, Genos stared down his fellow yellow-eyed Hero for a moment. While Saitama was just thinking about what he'll have for Breakfast tomorrow morning.

Sweet mask let out a small giggle at this attitude, before telling Genos, "Come on. There's no need to glare at me. I came all the way here just to see you. Tell me, how was the Hero exam?"

Saitama hearing that part answered, "Honestly it was wasn't hard at all."

Not wasting time on formalities, Genos replied bluntly, "My Master is correct. It was nothing but rubbish. An exam like that is a waste of time."

Sweet Mask looked a little surprised by this response, at least for a moment, before he switched back over to a grin.

Being one who's as quick to violence as he is, Genos angrily exclaimed, "If you came here to fight, then let us get on with it. This, too, is a waste of time." The S-Class cyborg then started aggressively walking towards the A-Class idol, but the star put his hand out, prompting the Cyborg to stop in his tracks.

"Being hot-blooded is fine, but if you take it too far... you'll get burnt," Sweet Mask explained, causing a moment of silence between the two of them. "I'll forgive your criticism of the Association. Thank you for your time."

Sweet Mask then walked past the younger man, placed his hand on his shoulder, and casually expressed, "I welcome you to the team. We expect great things from you both."

A minute had passed as Genos and Saitama entered the building again walking back to their seats, Genos gave out a quick explanation about what happened.

Three of the woman at the restaurant came up to the four heroes but they were more focused on Saitama and Genos and asked nervously, "Excuse me? You're friends with Sweet Mask, right...? May I shake your hands?!"

"Um, sure." Saitama said as he shook one of the ladies hands while Genos did the same follow his master's teachings but that's what the Cyborg thought.

The four left the restaurant as they were walking together heading towards City-Z.

"Man. Class-S and Class-B Heroes sure get treated differently," Spider-man commented.

"That's how the system works. Heroes below Class-S hardly get any credit whatsoever." Tatsumaki explained with her hands on her hips, "Not that it mattered to me."

Saitama was listening in on the conversation and then looked at fifty thousand yen worth of coupons that were Genos' prize and postulated, "If you think about it, that stuff is sort of like fake money."

Money hadn't been an issue for Genos ever since he met Dr. Kuseno. As a result, he just looked at his coupons for a moment, not sure what to say.

Saitama shrugged, ultimately unconcerned, and said, "Whatever. Like I said before, now we're even with a win and a loss each. And now we're both professional Heroes too. Let's do our best, okay?"

"Yes," Genos replied as he put his winnings into his pocket.

As the two walked along a bridge, Genos stopped underneath a street lamp, as he thought about his strange encounter with Sweet Mask.

"Master," Genos exclaimed.

"What's up?" Saitama asked while turning around.

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