Chapter 3: Disinterest x And x Interest

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Author's Note

Just know that I'm writing first POV not second POV, but I'm so used to writing second POV so if any of you guys see something that's from 2nd instead of 1RST. Lmk.

Happy reading!


We're running through the marshlands, swamp, whatever the specifics are. It's just that it's foggy, we're around the middle back of the pack, my endurance is starting to get weary; I suppose that Callum and Alice's endurance are getting even wearier.

My eyes have lost sight of Killua, but I suppose he's alright, seeing as he's with Gon and his friends. Hisoka on the other hand is behind us, in the general direction of Alice.

"Guys, I'm sorry." Alice's voice cuts through the silence.

"About?" I test. Callum looks at me of disapproval but I don't bother to give him any attention.

"About Hisoka. About not listening to you guys."

"Don't worry about it—" Callum forgives, tone soft and merciful.

"Next time be more self conscious. It's not just you you're sabotaging but us, too." I intercept Callum, for I know he's just going to forgive her and if something like this happens again, who the fuck knows. "I'm not just saying this to Alice, but Callum, too."

"What if any of you guys start something, they won't just come after you but the rest of us too."

"I can take care of myself but if Hisoka decided to come after Callum then what? If I'm not there? What are you going to do Alice?"

"Hey!" Callum rebuts. "I can take care of myself!"

"Like hell you can." I snap. "If you haven't forgotten, the title of leader is between me and Izazel. And because Izazel isn't here right now, I'm the best option."

If only Professor Cosmos didn't put a restraint on my abilities, I would've been able to protect both myself and the others. Now I've only got enough of my capabilities to extend my hand out for myself.

"Why did Cosmos even dampen me?" You huff. "He knew this was important."

"You already surpassed all the other ones." Callum points out, then juts a thumb to Alice. "And Alice here had that great idea."

Alice comes in. "That's right and—"

"Ah." Hisoka hums out blissfully, coming right out of the fog and to Alice's right. "You're name is Alice. Like little Alice, lost in wonderland." He coos dramatically.

Alice's expression turns flat, expressionless. Uncaring as she looks straight ahead into the blank fog while Hisoka's face inches closer to hers while we run.

"What do you want?" I snap, trying to achieve Hisoka's attention from Alice.

His eyes turn to me but have no sort of recognition and emotion, maybe only the slightest of disdain but mostly disregard.

"Who are you?" He questions, bored, his usually piercing and intrigued yellow eyes are now flat and uninterested. The question sounds more rhetorical and dismissive if anything.

This son of a—"Y/n. Y/n Zoldyck."

That gets a reaction of him, small, minuscule but there. I noticed it in the slight twitch of his eyes before they went back to their bleakness.

You're Crazy(,) Stupid / Hisoka x Reader (Unrequited to requited love)Where stories live. Discover now